Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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An example is the policeman who would not get on a bike for a press photo because he had

not done the cycling proficiency course. Normal people say this is political correctness gone

mad. Nothing could be further from the truth. The policeman has been reframed, and in his

reality it is perfect common sense not to get on the bike ‘because he hasn’t done the cycling


Another example of this is where the police would not rescue a boy from a pond until they

had taken advice from above on the ‘risk assessment’. A normal person would have arrived,

perhaps thought of the risk for a moment, and dived in. To the police now ‘reframed’, they

followed ‘normal’ procedure.

There are shocking cases of reframed ambulance crews doing the

same. Sheer unthinking stupidity of London Face-Nappies headed

by Common Purpose graduate Cressida Dick can be seen in their

behaviour at a vigil in March, 2021, for a murdered woman, Sarah

Everard. A police officer had been charged with the crime. Anyone

with a brain would have le the vigil alone in the circumstances.

Instead they ‘manhandled’ women to stop them breaking ‘Covid

rules’ to betray classic reframing. Minds in the thrall of perception

control have no capacity for seeing a situation on its merits and

acting accordingly. ‘Rules is rules’ is their only mind-set. My father

used to say that rules and regulations are for the guidance of the

intelligent and the blind obedience of the idiot. Most of the

intelligent, decent, coppers have gone leaving only the other kind

and a few old school for whom the job must be a daily nightmare.

The combination of psychopaths and rule-book so ware minds has

been clearly on public display in the ‘Covid’ era with automaton

robots in uniform imposing fascistic ‘Covid’ regulations on the

population without any personal initiative or judging situations on

their merits. There are thousands of examples around the world, but

I’ll make my point with the infamous Derbyshire police in the

English East Midlands – the ones who think pouring dye into beauty

spots and using drones to track people walking in the countryside

away from anyone is called ‘policing’. To them there are rules

decreed by the government which they have to enforce and in their

bewildered state a group gathering in a closed space and someone

walking alone in the countryside are the same thing. It is beyond

idiocy and enters the realm of clinical insanity.

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