Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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152 Chapter 3: Proteins









Figure 3–57 Positive regulation caused

by conformational coupling between

two separate binding sites. In this

example, both glucose and molecule X

bind best to the closed conformation of a

protein with two domains. Because both

glucose and molecule X drive the protein

toward its closed conformation, each

ligand helps the other to bind. Glucose

and molecule X are therefore said to bind

cooperatively to the protein.


10% active 100% active

The relationships shown in Figures 3–57 and 3–58 apply to all proteins, and

they underlie all of cell biology. The principle seems so obvious in retrospect

that we now take it for granted. But the discovery of linkage in studies of a few

MBoC6 m3.58/3.53

enzymes in the 1950s, followed by an extensive analysis of allosteric mechanisms

in proteins in the early 1960s, had a revolutionary effect on our understanding of

biology. Since molecule X in these examples binds at a site on the enzyme that

is distinct from the site where catalysis occurs, it need not have any chemical

relationship to the substrate that binds at the active site. Moreover, as we have

just seen, for enzymes that are regulated in this way, molecule X can either turn

the enzyme on (positive regulation) or turn it off (negative regulation). By such a

mechanism, allosteric proteins serve as general switches that, in principle, can

allow one molecule in a cell to affect the fate of any other.

Symmetric Protein Assemblies Produce Cooperative Allosteric


A single-subunit enzyme that is regulated by negative feedback can at most

decrease from 90% to about 10% activity in response to a 100-fold increase in

the concentration of an inhibitory ligand that it binds (Figure 3–59, red line).

Responses of this type are apparently not sharp enough for optimal cell regulation,

and most enzymes that are turned on or off by ligand binding consist of symmetric

assemblies of identical subunits. With this arrangement, the binding of a molecule

of ligand to a single site on one subunit can promote an allosteric change in

the entire assembly that helps the neighboring subunits bind the same ligand. As

a result, a cooperative allosteric transition occurs (Figure 3–59, blue line), allowing










100% active 10% active

Figure 3–58 Negative regulation caused

by conformational coupling between

two separate binding sites. The scheme

here resembles that in the previous figure,

but here molecule X prefers the open

conformation, while glucose prefers the

closed conformation. Because glucose

and molecule X drive the protein toward

opposite conformations (closed and open,

respectively), the presence of either ligand

interferes with the binding of the other.

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