Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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In other cases, an entire protein is used as the recognition tag. When cells

are engineered to synthesize the small enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST)

attached to a protein of interest, the resulting fusion protein can be purified from

the other contents of the cell with an affinity column containing glutathione, a

substrate molecule that binds specifically and tightly to GST.

As a further refinement of purification methods using recognition tags, an

amino acid sequence that forms a cleavage site for a highly specific proteolytic

enzyme can be engineered between the protein of choice and the recognition tag.

Because the amino acid sequences at the cleavage site are very rarely found by

chance in proteins, the tag can later be cleaved off without destroying the purified


This type of specific cleavage is used in an especially powerful purification

methodology known as tandem affinity purification tagging (TAP-tagging). Here,

one end of a protein is engineered to contain two recognition tags that are separated

by a protease cleavage site. The tag on the very end of the construct is chosen

to bind irreversibly to an affinity column, allowing the column to be washed

extensively to remove all contaminating proteins. Protease cleavage then releases

the protein, which is then further purified using the second tag. Because this twostep

strategy provides an especially high degree of protein purification with relatively

little effort, it is used extensively in cell biology. Thus, for example, a set of

approximately 6000 yeast strains, each with a different gene fused to DNA that

encodes a TAP-tag, has been constructed to allow any yeast protein to be rapidly


Purified Cell-free Systems Are Required for the Precise Dissection

of Molecular Functions

Purified cell-free systems provide a means of studying biological processes free

from all of the complex side reactions that occur in a living cell. To make this possible,

cell homogenates are fractionated with the aim of purifying each of the individual

macromolecules that are needed to catalyze a biological process of interest.

For example, the experiments to decipher the mechanisms of protein synthesis

began with a cell homogenate that could translate RNA molecules to produce

proteins. Fractionation of this homogenate, step by step, produced in turn the

ribosomes, tRNAs, and various enzymes that together constitute the protein-synthetic

machinery. Once individual pure components were available, each could

be added or withheld separately to define its exact role in the overall process.

A major goal for cell biologists is the reconstitution of every biological process

in a purified cell-free system. Only in this way can we define all of the components

needed for the process and control their concentrations, which is required to work

out their precise mechanism of action. Although much remains to be done, a

great deal of what we know today about the molecular biology of the cell has been

discovered by studies in such cell-free systems. They have been used, for example,

to decipher the molecular details of DNA replication and DNA transcription, RNA

splicing, protein translation, muscle contraction, and particle transport along

microtubules, and many other processes that occur in cells.


Populations of cells can be analyzed biochemically by disrupting them and fractionating

their contents, allowing functional cell-free systems to be developed. Highly

purified cell-free systems are needed for determining the molecular details of complex

cell processes, and the development of such systems requires extensive purification

of all the proteins and other components involved. The proteins in soluble

cell extracts can be purified by column chromatography; depending on the type of

column matrix, biologically active proteins can be separated on the basis of their

molecular weight, hydrophobicity, charge characteristics, or affinity for other molecules.

In a typical purification, the sample is passed through several different columns

in turn, with the enriched fractions obtained from one column being applied

to the next. Recombinant DNA techniques (described later) allow special recognition

tags to be attached to proteins, thereby greatly simplifying their purification.

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