Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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traditional beliefs of the political le and replaced them with farright

make-believe ‘social justice’ be er known as Marxism. Woke

will, however, be swallowed by its own perceived ‘revolution’ which

is really the work of billionaires and billionaire corporations feigning

being ‘Woke’. Marxism is being touted by Wokers as a replacement

for ‘capitalism’ when we don’t have ‘capitalism’. We have cartelism

in which the market is stitched up by the very Cult billionaires and

corporations bankrolling Woke. Billionaires love Marxism which

keeps the people in servitude while they control from the top.

Terminally naïve Wokers think they are ‘changing the world’ when

it’s the Cult that is doing the changing and when they have played

their vital part and become surplus to requirements they, too, will be

targeted. The Illuminati-Jacobins were behind the period known as

‘The Terror’ in the French Revolution in 1793 and 1794 when Jacobin

Maximillian de Robespierre and his Orwellian ‘Commi ee of Public

Safety’ killed 17,000 ‘enemies of the Revolution’ who had once been

‘friends of the Revolution’. Karl Marx (1818-1883), whose Sabbatian

creed of Marxism has cost the lives of at least 100 million people, is a

hero once again to Wokers who have been systematically kept

ignorant of real history by their ‘education’ programming. As a

result they now promote a Sabbatian ‘Marxist’ abomination destined

at some point to consume them. Rabbi Antelman, who spent decades

researching the Sabbatian plot, said of the League of the Just and

Karl Marx:

Contrary to popular opinion Karl Marx did not originate the Communist Manifesto. He was

paid for his services by the League of the Just, which was known in its country of origin,

Germany, as the Bund der Geaechteten.

Antelman said the text a ributed to Marx was the work of other

people and Marx ‘was only repeating what others already said’.

Marx was ‘a hired hack – lackey of the wealthy Illuminists’. Marx

famously said that religion was the ‘opium of the people’ (part of the

Sabbatian plan to demonise religion) and Antelman called his books,

To Eliminate the Opiate. Marx was born Jewish, but his family

converted to Christianity (Sabbatian modus operandi) and he

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