Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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just described the dynamic through which the force known to

Gnostics as Yaldabaoth and Archons disconnects five-sense mind

from expanded awareness to imprison humanity in perceptual


Figure 20: The mind ‘virus’ I have been writing about for decades seeks to isolate five-sense

mind (the computer) from the true ‘I’. (Image by Neil Hague).

About a year ago I came across a Native American concept of

Wetiko which describes precisely the same phenomenon. Wetiko is

the spelling used by the Cree and there are other versions including

wintiko and windigo used by other tribal groups. They spell the

name with lower case, but I see Wetiko as a proper noun as with

Archons and prefer a capital. I first saw an article about Wetiko by

writer and researcher Paul Levy which so synced with what I had

been writing about the computer/operator disconnection and later

the Archons. I then read his book, the fascinating Dispelling Wetiko,

Breaking the Spell of Evil. The parallels between what I had concluded

long before and the Native American concept of Wetiko were so

clear and obvious that it was almost funny. For Wetiko see the

Gnostic Archons for sure and the Jinn, the Predators, and every

other name for a force of evil, inversion and chaos. Wetiko is the

Native American name for the force that divides the computer from

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