Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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be the manipulating force behind the French Revolution (1789-1799)

and was also involved in the American Revolution (1775-1783)

before and a er the Illuminati’s official creation. Weishaupt would

later become (in public) a Protestant Christian in archetypal

Sabbatian style. I read that his name can be decoded as Adam-Weishaupt

or ‘the first man to lead those who know’. He wasn’t a leader

in the sense that he was a subordinate, but he did lead those below

him in a crusade of transforming human society that still continues

today. The theme was confirmed as early as 1785 when a horseman

courier called Lanz was reported to be struck by lighting and

extensive Illuminati documents were found in his saddlebags. They

made the link to Weishaupt and detailed the plan for world takeover.

Current events with ‘Covid’ fascism have been in the making for a

very long time. Jacob Frank was jailed for 13 years by the Catholic

Inquisition a er his arrest in 1760 and on his release he headed for

Frankfurt, Germany, home city and headquarters of the House of

Rothschild where the alliance was struck with Mayer Amschel

Rothschild and Weishaupt. Rothschild arranged for Frank to be

given the title of Baron and he became a wealthy nobleman with a

big following of Jews in Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire

and other European countries. Most of them would have believed he

was on their side.

The name ‘Illuminati’ came from the Zohar which is a body of

works in the Jewish mystical ‘bible’ called the Kabbalah. ‘Zohar’ is

the foundation of Sabbatian-Frankist belief and in Hebrew ‘Zohar’

means ‘splendour’, ‘radiance’, ‘illuminated’, and so we have

‘Illuminati’. They claim to be the ‘Illuminated Ones’ from their

knowledge systematically hidden from the human population and

passed on through generations of carefully-chosen initiates in the

global secret society network or Cult. Hidden knowledge includes

an awareness of the Cult agenda for the world and the nature of our

collective reality that I will explore later. Cult ‘illumination’ is

symbolised by the torch held by the Statue of Liberty which was

gi ed to New York by French Freemasons in Paris who knew exactly

what it represents. ‘Liberty’ symbolises the goddess worshipped in

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