Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 7–51 Photoreceptor cells in the retina of a female mouse showing

patterns of X-chromosome inactivation. Using genetic engineering

techniques (described in Chapter 8), the germ line of a mouse was modified

so that one copy of the X chromosome (if active) makes a green fluorescent

protein and the other a red fluorescent protein. Both proteins concentrate in

the nucleus and, in the field of cells shown here, it is clear that only one of

the two X chromosomes is active in each cell. (From H. Wu et al., Neuron

81:103–119, 2014. With permission from Elsevier.)

distributed in small clusters in the adult animal because sister cells tend to remain

close together during later stages of development (Figure 7–51). For example,

X-chromosome inactivation causes the orange and black “tortoiseshell” coat

coloration of some female cats. In these cats, one X chromosome carries a gene

that produces orange hair color, and the other X chromosome carries an allele

of the same gene that results in black hair color; it is the random X-inactivation

that produces patches of cells of two distinctive colors. In contrast, male cats of

this genetic stock are either solid orange or solid black, depending on which X

chromosome they inherit from their mothers. Although X-chromosome inactivation

is maintained over thousands of cell divisions, it is reversed during germ-cell

formation, so that all haploid oocytes contain an active X chromosome and can

express X-linked gene products.

How is an entire chromosome transcriptionally inactivated? X-chromosome

inactivation is initiated and spreads from a single site near the middle of the X

chromosome, the X-inactivation center (XIC). Within the XIC is a transcribed

20,000-nucleotide lncRNA (called Xist), which is expressed solely from the inactive

X chromosome. Xist RNA spreads from the XIC over the entire chromosome

and directs gene silencing. Although we do not know exactly how this is accomplished,

it likely involves recruitment of histone-modifying enzymes and other

proteins to form a repressive form of chromatin analogous to that of Figure 7–45.

Curiously, about 10% of the genes on the X chromosome (including Xist itself)

escape this silencing and remain active.

The spread of Xist RNA along the X chromosome does not proceed linearly

along the DNA. Rather, starting at its site of synthesis, it is first handed off across

the base of the DNA loops that make up the chromosome; these shortcuts explain

how Xist can spread rapidly, by a “hand-over-hand” mechanism, along the X

chromosome once the inactivation process begins (Figure 7–52). It also helps to

explain why the inactivation does not spread to the other, active X chromosome.

Imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation are examples of monoallelic gene

expression, where in a diploid genome, only one of the two copies of a gene is

expressed. In addition to the approximately 1000 genes on the X chromosome and

the 300 or so genes that are imprinted, there are another 1000–2000 human genes

that exhibit monoallelic expression. Like X-chromosome inactivation (but unlike

imprinting), the choice of which copy of the gene is to be expressed and which is

to be silenced often appears random. Yet once the choice is made, it can persist for

many cell divisions. Because the choice is often made relatively late in development,

cells of the same tissue in the same individual can express different copies

of a given gene. In other words, somatic tissues are often mosaics, where different

clones of cells have subtly different patterns of gene expression. The mechanisms

responsible for this type of monoallelic expression are not known in detail, and

its general purpose—if any—is poorly understood. Several different mechanisms

may contribute to such epigenetic inheritance, as we explain next.

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Epigenetic Mechanisms Ensure That Stable Patterns of Gene

Expression Can Be Transmitted to Daughter Cells

As we have seen, once a cell in an organism differentiates into a particular cell

type, it generally remains specialized in that way; if it divides, its daughters inherit

the same specialized character. Perhaps the simplest way for a cell to remember

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