Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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pivotal position in American health since the 1980s? When you serve

the Cult it looks a er you until you are surplus to requirements.

Kary Mullis said prophetically of Fauci and his like: ‘Those guys

have an agenda and it’s not an agenda we would like them to have

… they make their own rules, they change them when they want to,

and Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the

people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.’ Fauci has

done that almost daily since the ‘Covid’ hoax began. Lying is in

Fauci’s DNA. To make the situation crystal clear about the PCR test

this is a direct quote from its inventor Kary Mullis:

It [the PCR test] doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended

up with was really going to hurt you ...’

Ask yourself why governments and medical systems the world over

have been using this very test to decide who is ‘infected’ with the

SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ and the alleged disease it allegedly causes,

‘Covid-19’. The answer to that question will tell you what has been

going on. By the way, here’s a li le show-stopper – the ‘new’ SARS-

CoV-2 ‘virus’ was ‘identified’ as such right from the start using … the

PCR test not testing for the ‘virus’. If you are new to this and find that

shocking then stick around. I have hardly started yet. Even worse,

other ‘tests’, like the ‘Lateral Flow Device’ (LFD), are considered so

useless that they have to be confirmed by the PCR test! Leaked emails

wri en by Ben Dyson, adviser to UK ‘Health’ Secretary Ma

Hancock, said they were ‘dangerously unreliable’. Dyson, executive

director of strategy at the Department of Health, wrote: ‘As of today,

someone who gets a positive LFD result in (say) London has at best a

25 per cent chance of it being a true positive, but if it is a selfreported

test potentially as low as 10 per cent (on an optimistic

assumption about specificity) or as low as 2 per cent (on a more

pessimistic assumption).’ These are the ‘tests’ that schoolchildren

and the public are being urged to have twice a week or more and

have to isolate if they get a positive. Each fake positive goes in the

statistics as a ‘case’ no ma er how ludicrously inaccurate and the

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