Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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when both are serving the same Cult? Major tax-exempt foundations

are overwhelmingly criminal enterprises in which Cult assets fund

the Cult agenda in the guise of ‘philanthropy’ while avoiding tax in

the process. Cult operatives can become mega-rich in their role of

front men and women for the psychopaths at the inner core and

they, too, have to be psychopaths to knowingly serve such evil. Part

of the deal is that a big percentage of the wealth gleaned from

representing the Cult has to be spent advancing the ambitions of the

Cult and hence you have the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation (and so many more) and people like

George Soros with his global Open Society Foundations spending

their billions in pursuit of global Cult control. Gates is a global

public face of the Cult with his interventions in world affairs

including Big Tech influence; a central role in the ‘Covid’ and

‘vaccine’ scam; promotion of the climate change shakedown;

manipulation of education; geoengineering of the skies; and his

food-control agenda as the biggest owner of farmland in America,

his GMO promotion and through other means. As one writer said:

‘Gates monopolizes or wields disproportionate influence over the

tech industry, global health and vaccines, agriculture and food policy

(including biopiracy and fake food), weather modification and other

climate technologies, surveillance, education and media.’ The almost

limitless wealth secured through Microso and other not-allowedto-fail

ventures (including vaccines) has been ploughed into a long,

long list of Cult projects designed to enslave the entire human race.

Gates and the Rockefellers have been working as one unit with the

Rockefeller-established World Health Organization leading global

‘Covid’ policy controlled by Gates through his mouth-piece Tedros.

Gates became the WHO’s biggest funder when Trump announced

that the American government would cease its donations, but Biden

immediately said he would restore the money when he took office in

January, 2021. The Gates Foundation (the Cult) owns through

limitless funding the world health system and the major players

across the globe in the ‘Covid’ hoax.

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