Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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hierarchies, corporate media, Silicon Valley, the banking system, and

the United Nations with its planned transformation into world

government. All are controlled and possessed by the Wetiko

distortion into distorting human society in its image. We are with

this knowledge at the gateway to understanding the world.

Divisions of race, culture, creed and sexuality are diversions to hide

the real division between those possessed and influenced by Wetiko

and those that are not. The ‘Covid’ hoax has brought both clearly

into view. Human behaviour is not about race. Tyrants and

dictatorships come in all colours and creeds. What unites the US

president bombing the innocent and an African tribe commi ing

genocide against another as in Rwanda? What unites them? Wetiko.

All wars are Wetiko, all genocide is Wetiko, all hunger over centuries

in a world of plenty is Wetiko. Children going to bed hungry,

including in the West, is Wetiko. Cult-generated Woke racial

divisions that focus on the body are designed to obscure the reality

that divisions in behaviour are manifestations of mind, not body.

Obsession with body identity and group judgement is a means to

divert a ention from the real source of behaviour – mind and

perception. Conflict sown by the Woke both within themselves and

with their target groups are Wetiko providing lunch for itself

through still more agents of the division, chaos, and fear on which it

feeds. The Cult is seeking to assimilate the entirety of humanity and

all children and young people into the Wetiko frequency by

manipulating them into states of fear and despair. Witness all the

suicide and psychological unravelling since the spring of 2020.

Wetiko psychopaths want to impose a state of unquestioning

obedience to authority which is no more than a conduit for Wetiko to

enforce its will and assimilate humanity into itself. It needs us to

believe that resistance is futile when it fears resistance and even

more so the game-changing non-cooperation with its impositions. It

can use violent resistance for its benefit. Violent impositions and

violent resistance are both Wetiko. The Power of Love with its Power

of No will sweep Wetiko from our world. Wetiko and its Cult know

that. They just don’t want us to know.

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