Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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times before over 30 years under different names and I had wri en

about one in particular in the books. ‘Not again’ was my reaction

when QAnon came to the fore. The same script is pulled out every

few years and a new name added to the le erhead. The story always

takes the same form: ‘Insiders’ or ‘the good guys’ in the governmentintelligence-military

‘Deep State’ apparatus were going to instigate

mass arrests of the ‘bad guys’ which would include the Rockefellers,

Rothschilds, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, etc., etc.

Dates are given for when the ‘good guys’ are going to move in, but

the dates pass without incident and new dates are given which pass

without incident. The central message to Pushbackers in each case is

that they don’t have to do anything because there is ‘a plan’ and it is

all going to be sorted by the ‘good guys’ on the inside. ‘Trust the

plan’ was a QAnon mantra when the only plan was to misdirect

Pushbackers into pu ing their trust in a Psyop they believed to be

real. Beware, beware, those who tell you what you want to hear and

always check it out. Right up to Biden’s inauguration QAnon was

still claiming that ‘the Storm’ was coming and Trump would stay on

as president when Biden and his cronies were arrested and jailed. It

was never going to happen and of course it didn’t, but what did

happen as a result provided that punchline to the Sabbatian

Trump/QAnon Psyop.

On January 6th, 2021, a very big crowd of Trump supporters

gathered in the National Mall in Washington DC down from the

Capitol Building to protest at what they believed to be widespread

corruption and vote fraud that stopped Trump being re-elected for a

second term as president in November, 2020. I say as someone that

does not support Trump or Biden that the evidence is clear that

major vote-fixing went on to favour Biden, a man with cognitive

problems so advanced he can o en hardly string a sentence together

without reading the words wri en for him on the Teleprompter.

Glaring ballot discrepancies included serious questions about

electronic voting machines that make vote rigging a comparative

cinch and hundreds of thousands of paper votes that suddenly

appeared during already advanced vote counts and virtually all of

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