Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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domestic pets, to humans. Just before this book went into production

came this story: ‘Russia registers world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for

cats & dogs as makers of Sputnik V warn pets & farm animals could

spread virus’. The report said ‘top scientists warned that the deadly

pathogen could soon begin spreading through homes and farms’

and ‘the next stage is the infection of farm and domestic animals’.

Know the outcome and you’ll see the journey. Think what that

would mean for animals and keep your eye on a term called

zoonosis or zoonotic diseases which transmit between animals and

humans. The Cult wants to break the connection between animals

and people as it does between people and people. Farm animals fit

with the Cult agenda to transform food from natural to synthetic.

The gas of life is killing us

There can be few greater examples of Cult inversion than the

condemnation of carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant when it is

the gas of life. Without it the natural world would be dead and so we

would all be dead. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon

dioxide while plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. It

is a perfect symbiotic relationship that the Cult wants to dismantle

for reasons I will come to in the final two chapters. Gates, Schwab,

other Cult operatives and mindless repeaters, want the world to be

‘carbon neutral’ by at least 2050 and the earlier the be er. ‘Zero

carbon’ is the cry echoed by lunatics calling for ‘Zero Covid’ when

we already have it. These carbon emission targets will

deindustrialise the world in accordance with Cult plans – the postindustrial,

post-democratic society – and with so-called renewables

like solar and wind not coming even close to meeting human energy

needs blackouts and cold are inevitable. Texans got the picture in the

winter of 2021 when a snow storm stopped wind turbines and solar

panels from working and the lights went down along with water

which relies on electricity for its supply system. Gates wants

everything to be powered by electricity to ensure that his masters

have the kill switch to stop all human activity, movement, cooking,

water and warmth any time they like. The climate lie is so

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