Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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wild type

Hox gain of function

family of transcription regulators that we encountered in Chapter 7. These proteins

drive cells to differentiate into muscle, expressing muscle-specific actins

and myosins and all the other specialized cytoskeletal, metabolic, and membrane

proteins that a muscle cell needs. Analogously, members of the Achaete/Scute

family of transcription regulators drive cells to become neural progenitors. In

both these examples, the proteins belong to the basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)

class of transcription regulators (see p. 377), and the same is true for many of the

other proteins that induce the differentiation of particular cell types. These master

transcription regulators exert their powerful differentiation-inducing activity by

binding to many different regulatory sites in the genome and thereby controlling

the expression of large numbers of downstream target genes. In one well-studied

case, that of an Achaete/Scute family member called Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1),

the number of direct target genes in the mouse genome is more than 600. It is

important to note, however, MBoC6 that even m22.48/22.33 such powerful drivers of cell differentiation

can have radically different effects according to the context and history of the cells

in which they act: Atoh1, for example, drives differentiation of certain classes of

neurons in the brain, of sensory hair cells in the inner ear, and of secretory cells in

the lining of the gut.

Other genes encoding transcription regulators can drive the formation and

assembly of the multiple cell types that constitute an entire organ. A famous

example is the transcription regulator Eyeless. When it is artificially expressed in a

patch of cells in the leg precursors of Drosophila, a well-organized eye-like organ

develops on the leg, with the various eye cell types correctly arranged (see Figure

7–35B); conversely, loss of the Eyeless gene results in flies that lack eyes. Moreover,

loss of the Eyeless homolog Pax6 in vertebrates likewise leads to loss of eye

structures. Similar organ-selector proteins are known for foregut, heart, pancreas,

and other organs. They are all master transcription regulators that directly regulate

hundreds of target genes, the products of which then specify and construct

the different elements of the appropriate organ. However, as in the example of

Atoh1, they usually exert their specific effect only in combination with the right

partners, which are only expressed in cells that were appropriately primed during

their earlier development.



13th rib


wild type

13th rib


Hox loss of function

Figure 21–33 Control of anteroposterior

pattern by Hox genes in the mouse.

(A,B) A normal mouse (wild type) has

about 65 vertebrae, differing in structure

according to their position along the

body axis: 7 cervical (neck), 13 thoracic

(with ribs), 6 lumbar [bracketed by yellow

asterisks in (B)], 4 sacral [bracketed by red

asterisks in (B)], and about 35 caudal (tail).

(A) shows a side view and (B) shows a

dorsal view; for clarity, the limbs have been

removed in each picture.

(C) The HoxA10 gene is normally

expressed in the lumbar region (together

with its paralogs HoxC10 and HoxD10);

here it has been artificially expressed in

the developing vertebral tissue all along

the body axis. As a result, the cervical and

thoracic vertebrae are all converted to a

lumbar character. (D) Conversely, when

HoxA10 is removed along with HoxC10

and HoxD10, vertebrae that should

normally have a lumbar or sacral character

take on a thoracic character instead. (A and

C, from M. Carapuço et al., Genes Dev.

19:2116–2121, 2005. With permission

from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Press; B and D, from D.M. Wellik and

M.R. Capecchi, Science 301:363–367,


Notch-Mediated Lateral Inhibition Refines Cellular Spacing


After the establishment of the basic body plan and the generation of organ precursors,

many further steps of pattern refinement are required to achieve the adult

pattern of terminally differentiated cells in tissues and organs. As we discussed

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