Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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University. She analysed the impact that ‘Covid-19’ had on deaths

from all causes in the United States using official data from the CDC

for the period from early February to early September, 2020. She

found that allegedly ‘Covid’ related-deaths exceeded those from

heart disease which she found strange with heart disease always the

biggest cause of fatalities. Her research became even more significant

when she noted the sudden decline in 2020 of all non-’Covid’ deaths:

‘This trend is completely contrary to the pa ern observed in all

previous years … the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost

exactly equals the increase in deaths by Covid-19.’ This was such a

game, set and match in terms of what was happening that Johns

Hopkins University deleted the article on the grounds that it ‘was

being used to support false and dangerous inaccuracies about the

impact of the pandemic’. No – because it exposed the scam from

official CDC figures and this was confirmed when those figures were

published in January, 2021. Here we can see the effect of people

dying from heart a acks, cancer, road accidents and gunshot

wounds – anything – having ‘Covid-19’ on the death certificate along

with those diagnosed from ‘symptoms’ who had even not tested

positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’. I am not kidding with

the gunshot wounds, by the way. Brenda Bock, coroner in Grand

County, Colorado, revealed that two gunshot victims tested positive

for the ‘virus’ within the previous 30 days and were therefore

classified as ‘Covid deaths’. Bock said: ‘These two people had tested

positive for Covid, but that’s not what killed them. A gunshot

wound is what killed them.’ She said she had not even finished her

investigation when the state listed the gunshot victims as deaths due

to the ‘virus’. The death and case figures for ‘Covid-19’ are an

absolute joke and yet they are repeated like parrots by the media,

politicians and alleged medical ‘experts’. The official Cult narrative

is the only show in town.

Genevieve Briand found that deaths from all causes were not

exceptional in 2020 compared with previous years and a Spanish

magazine published figures that said the same about Spain which

was a ‘Covid’ propaganda hotspot at one point. Discovery Salud, a

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