Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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we have: ‘You are only in your situation because of whitey – turn on

them and everything will change.’ It won’t change. Nothing changes

in our lives unless we change it. Crucial to that is never seeing

yourself as a victim and always as the creator of your reality. Life is a

simple sequence of choice and consequence. Make different choices

and you create different consequences. You have to make those

choices – not Black Lives Ma er, the Woke Mafia and anyone else

that seeks to dictate your life. Who are they these Wokers, an

emotional and psychological road traffic accident, to tell you what to

do? Personal empowerment is the last thing the Cult and its Black

Lives Ma er want black people or anyone else to have. They claim to

be defending the underdog while creating and perpetuating the

underdog. The Cult’s worst nightmare is human unity and if they

are going to keep blacks, whites and every other race under

economic servitude and control then the focus must be diverted

from what they have in common to what they can be manipulated to

believe divides them. Blacks have to be told that their poverty and

plight is the fault of the white bloke living on the street in the same

poverty and with the same plight they are experiencing. The

difference is that your plight black people is due to him, a white

supremacist with ‘white privilege’ living on the street. Don’t unite as

one human family against your mutual oppressors and suppressors

– fight the oppressor with the white face who is as financially

deprived as you are. The Cult knows that as its ‘Covid’ agenda

moves into still new levels of extremism people are going to respond

and it has been spreading the seeds of disunity everywhere to stop a

united response to the evil that targets all of us.

Racist a acks on ‘whiteness’ are ge ing ever more outrageous and

especially through the American Democratic Party which has an

appalling history for anti-black racism. Barack Obama, Joe Biden,

Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi all eulogised about Senator Robert

Byrd at his funeral in 2010 a er a nearly 60-year career in Congress.

Byrd was a brutal Ku Klux Klan racist and a violent abuser of Cathy

O’Brien in MKUltra. He said he would never fight in the military

‘with a negro by my side’ and ‘rather I should die a thousand times,

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