Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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hate’ hate groups to condemn anyone who asks these glaring

questions as an ‘anti-Semite’. The way that Jewish people horrifically

abused in Sabbatian-backed Nazi Germany are exploited to this end

is stomach-turning and disgusting beyond words.

Political fusion

Sabbatian manipulation has reversed the roles of Republicans and

Democrats and the same has happened in Britain with the

Conservative and Labour Parties. Republicans and Conservatives

were always labelled the ‘right’ and Democrats and Labour the ‘le ’,

but look at the policy positions now and the Democrat-Labour ‘le ’

has moved further to the ‘right’ than Republicans and Conservatives

under the banner of ‘Woke’, the Cult-created far-right tyranny.

Where once the Democrat-Labour ‘le ’ defended free speech and

human rights they now seek to delete them and as I said earlier

despite the ‘Covid’ fascism of the Jackboot Johnson Conservative

government in the UK the Labour Party of leader Keir Starmer

demanded even more extreme measures. The Labour Party has been

very publicly absorbed by Sabbatians a er a political and media

onslaught against the previous leader, the weak and inept Jeremy

Corbyn, over made-up allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ both by him

and his party. The plan was clear with this ‘anti-Semite’ propaganda

and what was required in response was a swi and decisive ‘fuck

off’ from Corbyn and a statement to expose the Anti-Semitism

Industry (Sabbatian) a empt to silence Labour criticism of the Israeli

government (Sabbatians) and purge the party of all dissent against

the extremes of ultra-Zionism (Sabbatians). Instead Corbyn and his

party fell to their knees and appeased the abusers which, by

definition, is impossible. Appeasing one demand leads only to a new

demand to be appeased until takeover is complete. Like I say – ‘fuck

off’ would have been a much more effective policy and I have used it

myself with great effect over the years when Sabbatians are on my

case which is most of the time. I consider that fact a great

compliment, by the way. The outcome of the Labour Party

capitulation is that we now have a Sabbatian-controlled

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