Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twi er announced very

early on that they would give the Cult/Gates/Tedros/WHO version

of the narrative free advertising and censor those who challenged

their intelligence-insulting, mendacious story.

The next layer in the global ‘medical’ structure below the Cult,

Gates and Tedros are the chief medical officers and science ‘advisers’

in each of the WHO member countries which means virtually all of

them. Medical officers and arbiters of science (they’re not) then take

the WHO policy and recommended responses and impose them on

their country’s population while the political ‘leaders’ say they are

deciding policy (they’re clearly not) by ‘following the science’ on the

advice of the ‘experts’ – the same medical officers and science

‘advisers’ (dictators). In this way with the rarest of exceptions the

entire world followed the same policy of lockdown, people

distancing, masks and ‘vaccines’ dictated by the psychopathic Cult,

psychopathic Gates and psychopathic Tedros who we are supposed

to believe give a damn about the health of the world population they

are seeking to enslave. That, amazingly, is all there is to it in terms of

crucial decision-making. Medical staff in each country then follow

like sheep the dictates of the shepherds at the top of the national

medical hierarchies – chief medical officers and science ‘advisers’

who themselves follow like sheep the shepherds of the World Health

Organization and the Cult. Shepherds at the national level o en

have major funding and other connections to Gates and his Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation which carefully hands out money like

confe i at a wedding to control the entire global medical system

from the WHO down.

Follow the money

Christopher Whi y, Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government at

the centre of ‘virus’ policy, a senior adviser to the government’s

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), and Executive

Board member of the World Health Organization, was gi ed a grant

of $40 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for malaria

research in Africa. The BBC described the unelected Whi y as ‘the

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