Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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they have no compassion or empathy and no emotional consequence

for what they do that would make them stop doing it. Observe all

the people who support the psychopaths in authority against the

Pushbackers despite the damaging impact the psychopaths have on

their own lives and their family’s lives. You are again looking at

Wetiko possession which prevents them seeing through the lies to

the obvious scam going on. Why can’t they see it? Wetiko won’t let

them see it. The perceptual divide that has now become a chasm is

between the Wetikoed and the non-Wetikoed.

Paul Levy describes Wetiko in the same way that I have long

described the Archontic force. They are the same distorted

consciousness operating across dimensions of reality: ‘… the subtle

body of wetiko is not located in the third dimension of space and

time, literally existing in another dimension … it is able to affect

ordinary lives by mysteriously interpenetrating into our threedimensional

world.’ Wetiko does this through its incarnate

representatives in the Cult and by weaving itself into The Field

which on our level of reality is the electromagnetic information field

of the simulation or Matrix. More than that, the simulation is Wetiko

/ Yaldabaoth. Caleb Scharf, Director of Astrobiology at Columbia

University, has speculated that ‘alien life’ could be so advanced that

it has transcribed itself into the quantum realm to become what we

call physics. He said intelligence indistinguishable from the fabric of

the Universe would solve many of its greatest mysteries:

Perhaps hyper-advanced life isn’t just external. Perhaps it’s already all around. It is embedded

in what we perceive to be physics itself, from the root behaviour of particles and fields to the

phenomena of complexity and emergence ... In other words, life might not just be in the

equations. It might BE the equations [My emphasis].

Scharf said it is possible that ‘we don’t recognise advanced life

because it forms an integral and unsuspicious part of what we’ve

considered to be the natural world’. I agree. Wetiko/Yaldabaoth is the

simulation. We are literally in the body of the beast. But that doesn’t

mean it has to control us. We all have the power to overcome Wetiko

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