Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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‘vaccinations’ were seriously underway and on that day the WHO

recommended a er discussions with America’s CDC that

laboratories lowered their testing amplification. Dr David Samadi, a

certified urologist and health writer, said the WHO was encouraging

all labs to reduce their cycle count for PCR tests. He said the current

cycle was much too high and was ‘resulting in any particle being

declared a positive case’. Even one mainstream news report I saw

said this meant the number of ‘Covid’ infections may have been

‘dramatically inflated’. Oh, just a li le bit. The CDC in America

issued new guidance to laboratories in April, 2021, to use 28 cycles

but only for ‘vaccinated’ people. The timing of the CDC/WHO

interventions were cynically designed to make it appear the

‘vaccines’ were responsible for falling cases and deaths when the real

reason can be seen in the following examples. New York’s state lab,

the Wadsworth Center, identified 872 positive tests in July, 2020,

based on a threshold of 40 cycles. When the figure was lowered to 35

cycles 43 percent of the 872 were no longer ‘positives’. At 30 cycles

the figure was 63 percent. A Massachuse s lab found that between

85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle

threshold of 40 would be negative at 30 cycles, Ashish Jha, MD,

director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said: ‘I’m really

shocked that it could be that high … Boy, does it really change the

way we need to be thinking about testing.’ I’m shocked that I could

see the obvious in the spring of 2020, with no medical background,

and most medical professionals still haven’t worked it out. No, that’s

not shocking – it’s terrifying.

Three weeks a er the WHO directive to lower PCR cycles the

London Daily Mail ran this headline: ‘Why ARE Covid cases

plummeting? New infections have fallen 45% in the US and 30%

globally in the past 3 weeks but experts say vaccine is NOT the main

driver because only 8% of Americans and 13% of people worldwide

have received their first dose.’ They acknowledged that the drop

could not be a ributed to the ‘vaccine’, but soon this morphed

throughout the media into the ‘vaccine’ has caused cases and deaths

to fall when it was the PCR threshold. In December, 2020, there was

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