Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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geologists found tiny plastic fibres, beads and shards in rainwater

samples collected from the remote slopes of the Rocky Mountain

National Park near Denver, Colorado. Their report was headed: ‘It is

raining plastic.’ Rachel Adams, senior lecturer in Biomedical Science

at Cardiff Metropolitan University, said that among health

consequences are internal inflammation and immune responses to a

‘foreign body’. She further pointed out that microplastics become

carriers of toxins including mercury, pesticides and dioxins (a

known cause of cancer and reproductive and developmental

problems). These toxins accumulate in the fa y tissues once they

enter the body through microplastics. Now this is being

compounded massively by people pu ing plastic on their face and

throwing it away.

Workers exposed to polypropylene plastic fibres known as ‘flock’

have developed ‘flock worker’s lung’ from inhaling small pieces of

the flock fibres which can damage lung tissue, reduce breathing

capacity and exacerbate other respiratory problems. Now …

commonly used surgical masks have three layers of melt-blown

textiles made of … polypropylene. We have billions of people

pu ing these microplastics against their mouth, nose and face for

hours at a time day a er day in the form of masks. How does

anyone think that will work out? I mean – what could possibly go

wrong? We posted a number of scientific studies on this at

davidicke.com, but when I went back to them as I was writing this

book the links to the science research website where they were

hosted were dead. Anything that challenges the official narrative in

any way is either censored or vilified. The official narrative is so

unsupportable by the evidence that only deleting the truth can

protect it. A study by Chinese scientists still survived – with the

usual twist which it why it was still active, I guess. Yes, they found

that virtually all the masks they tested increased the daily intake of

microplastic fibres, but people should still wear them because the

danger from the ‘virus’ was worse said the crazy ‘team’ from the

Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan. Scientists first discovered

microplastics in lung tissue of some patients who died of lung cancer

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