Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Wetiko wants upheaval, chaos, fear, suffering, conflict and control.

The other wants love, peace, harmony, fairness and freedom. That’s

where we are. We should not fall for the idea that Wetiko is allpowerful

and there’s nothing we can do. Wetiko is not all-powerful.

It’s a joke, pathetic. It doesn’t have to be, but it has made that choice

for now. A handful of times over the years when I have felt the

presence of its frequency I have allowed it to a ach briefly so I could

consciously observe its nature. The experience is not pleasant, the

energy is heavy and dark, but the ease with which you can kick it

back out the door shows that its real power is in persuading us that

it has power. It’s all a con. Wetiko is a con. It’s a trickster and not a

power that can control us if we unleash our own. The con is founded

on manipulating humanity to give its power to Wetiko which

recycles it back to present the illusion that it has power when its

power is ours that we gave away. This happens on an energetic level

and plays out in the world of the seen as humanity giving its power

to Wetiko authority which uses that power to control the population

when the power is only the power the population has handed over.

How could it be any other way for billions to be controlled by a

relative few? I have had experiences with people possessed by

Wetiko and again you can kick its arse if you do it with an open

heart. Oh yes – the heart which can transform the world of perceived

‘ma er’.

We are receiver-transmi ers and processors of information, but

what information and where from? Information is processed into

perception in three main areas – the brain, the heart and the belly.

These relate to thinking, knowing, and emotion. Wetiko wants us to

be head and belly people which means we think within the confines

of the Matrix simulation and low-vibrational emotional reaction

scrambles balance and perception. A few minutes on social media

and you see how emotion is the dominant force. Woke is all emotion

and is therefore thought-free and fact-free. Our heart is something

different. It knows while the head thinks and has to try to work it out

because it doesn’t know. The human energy field has seven prime

vortexes which connect us with wider reality (Fig 23). Chakra means

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