Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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become very different to the original website. Archons have done

this with our reality, a synthetic copy of prime reality that still exists

beyond the frequency walls of the simulation. Trapped within the

illusions of this synthetic Matrix, however, were and are human

consciousness and other expressions of prime reality and this is why

the Archons via the Cult are seeking to make the human body

synthetic and give us synthetic AI minds to complete the job of

turning the entire reality synthetic including what we perceive to be

the natural world. To quote Kurzweil: ‘Nanobots will infuse all the

ma er around us with information. Rocks, trees, everything will

become these intelligent creatures.’ Yes, synthetic ‘creatures’ just as

‘Covid’ and other genetically-manipulating ‘vaccines’ are designed

to make the human body synthetic. From this perspective it is

obvious why Archons and their Cult are so desperate to infuse

synthetic material into every human with their ‘Covid’ scam.

Let there be (electromagnetic) light

Yaldabaoth, the force that created the simulation, or Matrix, makes

sense of the Gnostic reference to ‘The Great Architect’ and its use by

Cult Freemasonry as the name of its deity. The designer of the Matrix

in the movies is called ‘The Architect’ and that trilogy is jam-packed

with symbolism relating to these subjects. I have contended for years

that the angry Old Testament God (Yaldabaoth) is the ‘God’ being

symbolically ‘quoted’ in the opening of Genesis as ‘creating the

world’. This is not the creation of prime reality – it’s the creation of

the simulation. The Genesis ‘God’ says: ‘Let there be Light: and there

was light.’ But what is this ‘Light’? I have said for decades that the

speed of light (186,000 miles per second) is not the fastest speed

possible as claimed by mainstream science and is in fact the

frequency walls or outer limits of the Matrix. You can’t have a fastest

or slowest anything within all possibility when everything is

possible. The human body is encoded to operate within the speed of

light or within the simulation and thus we see only the tiny frequency

band of visible light. Near-death experiencers who perceive reality

outside the body during temporary ‘death’ describe a very different

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