Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Most protestors had a free run of the Capitol Building. This

allowed pictures to be taken of rioters in iconic parts of the building

including the Senate chamber which could be used as propaganda

images against all Pushbackers. One Congresswoman described the

scene as ‘the worst kind of non-security anybody could ever

imagine’. Well, the first part was true, but someone obviously did

imagine it and made sure it happened. Some photographs most

widely circulated featured people wearing QAnon symbols and now

the Psyop would be used to dub all QAnon followers with the

ubiquitous fit-all label of ‘white supremacist’ and ‘insurrectionists’.

When a Muslim extremist called Noah Green drove his car at two

police officers at the Capitol Building killing one in April, 2021, there

was no such political and media hysteria. They were just

disappointed he wasn’t white.

The witch-hunt

Government prosecutor Michael Sherwin, an aggressive, dark-eyed,

professional Ro weiler led the ‘investigation’ and to call it over the

top would be to understate reality a thousand fold. Hundreds were

tracked down and arrested for the crime of having the wrong

political views and people were jailed who had done nothing more

than walk in the building, commi ed no violence or damage to

property, took a few pictures and le . They were labelled a ‘threat to

the Republic’ while Biden sat in the White House signing executive

orders wri en for him that were dismantling ‘the Republic’. Even

when judges ruled that a mother and son should not be in jail the

government kept them there. Some of those arrested have been

badly beaten by prison guards in Washington and lawyers for one

man said he suffered a fractured skull and was made blind in one

eye. Meanwhile a woman is shot dead for no reason by a Capitol

Police officer and we are not allowed to know who he is never mind

what has happened to him although that will be nothing. The Cult’s

QAnon/Trump sting to identify and isolate Pushbackers and then

target them on the road to crushing and deleting them was a

resounding success. You would have thought the Russians had

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