Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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from the peak of the pyramid. Political parties are perceptual gulags

and the very fact that there are party ‘Whips’ appointed to ‘whip’

politicians into voting the way the hierarchy demands exposes the

ridiculous idea that politicians are elected to serve the people they

are supposed to represent. Cult operatives and manipulation has

long seized control of major parties that have any chance of forming

a government and at least most of those that haven’t. A new party

forms and the Cult goes to work to infiltrate and direct. This has

reached such a level today that you see video compilations of

‘leaders’ of all parties whether Democrats, Republicans,

Conservative, Labour and Green parroting the same Cult mantra of

‘Build Back Be er’ and the ‘Great Reset’ which are straight off the

Cult song-sheet to describe the transformation of global society in

response to the Cult-instigated hoaxes of the ‘Covid pandemic’ and

human-caused ‘climate change’. To see Caroline Lucas, the Green

Party MP that I knew when I was in the party in the 1980s, speaking

in support of plans proposed by Cult operative Klaus Schwab

representing the billionaire global elite is a real head-shaker.

Many parties – one master

The party system is another mind-trick and was instigated to change

the nature of the dictatorship by swapping ‘royalty’ for dark suits

that people believed – though now ever less so – represented their

interests. Understanding this trick is to realise that a single force (the

Cult) controls all parties either directly in terms of the major ones or

through manipulation of perception and ideology with others. You

don’t need to manipulate Green parties to demand your

transformation of society in the name of ‘climate change’ when they

are obsessed with the lie that this is essential to ‘save the planet’. You

just give them a platform and away they go serving your interests

while believing they are being environmentally virtuous. America’s

political structure is a perfect blueprint for how the two or multiparty

system is really a one-party state. The Republican Party is

controlled from one step back in the shadows by a group made up of

billionaires and their gofers known as neoconservatives or Neocons.

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