Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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You would release it far from that lab to stop any association being

made. But, no, we’ll do it in a place where the connection was certain

to be made. Why would you need to scam ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ and

pay hospitals to diagnose ‘Covid-19’ if you had a real ‘virus’? What

are sections of the alternative media doing believing this crap?

Where were all the mass deaths in Wuhan from a ‘deadly pathogen’

when the recovery to normal life a er the initial propaganda was

dramatic in speed? Why isn’t the ‘deadly pathogen’ now circulating

all over China with bodies in the street? Once again we have the

technique of tell them what they want to hear and they will likely

believe it. The alternative media has its ‘conspiracy’ and with

Carlson it fits with his ‘China is the danger’ narrative over years.

China is a danger as a global Cult operations centre, but not for this

reason. The Wuhan lab story also has the potential to instigate

conflict with China when at some stage the plan is to trigger a

Problem-Reaction-Solution confrontation with the West. Question

everything – everything – and especially when the media agrees on a

common party line.

Third wave … fourth wave … fifth wave …

As the book went into production the world was being set up for

more lockdowns and a ‘third wave’ supported by invented ‘variants’

that were increasing all the time and will continue to do so in public

statements and computer programs, but not in reality. India became

the new Italy in the ‘Covid’ propaganda campaign and we were told

to be frightened of the new ‘Indian strain’. Somehow I couldn’t find

it within myself to do so. A document produced for the UK

government entitled ‘Summary of further modelling of easing of

restrictions – Roadmap Step 2’ declared that a third wave was

inevitable (of course when it’s in the script) and it would be the fault

of children and those who refuse the health-destroying fake ‘Covid

vaccine’. One of the computer models involved came from the Cultowned

Imperial College and the other from Warwick University

which I wouldn’t trust to tell me the date in a calendar factory. The

document states that both models presumed extremely high uptake

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