Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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972 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography



FIG. 27.12 Popliteal Artery Aneurysms. (A) Popliteal artery aneurysm measures 1.2 cm diameter (arrows). (B) In a different patient, a 3.7-cm

popliteal artery aneurysm contains low-level echoes and is partially thrombosed (cursors).

the popliteal regions. 23 Less commonly, aneurysms are present

in the SFA. In more than half of patients with popliteal artery

aneurysm, they are bilateral. An association exists between

popliteal artery aneurysms and abdominal aortic aneurysm, and

thus if a popliteal artery aneurysm is found, the abdominal aorta

should be evaluated. here is also an association among peripheral

artery aneurysm, tobacco use, and hypertension. Peripheral artery

aneurysms may contain clot, which may result in distal emboli

with or without sot tissue ischemia and infarction. In these

cases, intervention is necessary regardless of aneurysm size. he

walls of an aneurysm may calcify, and the presence of calciications

may have some protective efects against rupture.

On gray-scale ultrasound, an aneurysm may appear as a

fusiform anechoic or hypoechoic mass along the course of an

artery. he Doppler signal depends on the amount of thrombus,

the size of the neck of the aneurysm, and presence of calciication.

Aneurysms may be saccular and commonly occur at branch

points. he normal popliteal artery measures 4 to 6 mm in

diameter. 24 A bulge or focal enlargement of 20% of the vessel

diameter constitutes a simple functional deinition of an aneurysm

(Fig. 27.12). Empirically, a 2-cm cutof has been used to determine

need for intervention. 25 For popliteal artery aneurysm, surgical

exclusion (ligation of the aneurysm) is the traditional treatment

and has high rates of success. 26 However, a recent meta-analysis

showed that endovascular repair has similar success. 27 Doppler

ultrasound can be used to monitor the success of the intervention.

28 Aneurysm exclusion with covered stents is an increasingly

used therapy in place of surgical intervention. Doppler ultrasound

can be used to monitor the patency of the stent and conirm the

exclusion of the aneurysm from the circulation. 29,30


Pseudoaneurysm describes disruption of an artery with low

in a space beyond the vessel wall. It may arise from any arterial

structure and may occur with direct trauma or tumor or inlammatory

erosion. Pseudoaneurysms are found in less than 1% of

diagnostic angiography examinations and more commonly in

coronary angiography. 31 Pathologically, the arterial wall has been

at least partially breached. Outer arterial layers, perivascular

tissues, clot, or reactive ibrosis contain the pseudoaneurysm

sac. 32 he mechanism of pseudoaneurysm formation has been

well characterized. A hematoma forms adjacent to the artery

at the point of injury. Eventual lysis of the clot results in


A pseudoaneurysm is diferent from an aneurysm in that at

least one layer of wall is disrupted. It difers from active extravasation

in that blood within the pseudoaneurysm lows back into

the feeding artery through a narrowed opening rather than into

adjacent tissues. Arteriovenous communication, when present,

is used to guide appropriate therapy. In patients with arteriovenous

communication, thrombin repair is contraindicated owing to

the potential for embolization of the thrombin into the venous

system with resultant unintended regions of thrombosis.

Gray-scale ultrasound is typically performed irst to identify

the abnormality. he pseudoaneurysm can appear as a round

or oval anechoic structure with or without associated thrombus.

When present, thrombus appears isoechoic or hypoechoic; it

may be located along the edge of the pseudoaneurysm lumen.

Attention should be directed to these areas of extraluminal

hematoma or any anechoic collections to determine if there are

areas of low with color Doppler. If low is detected, spectral

Doppler is next performed to characterize arterial versus venous

low and to exclude a superimposed AVF. In the patent portion

of a pseudoaneurysm, there may be turbulent or disorganized

intraaneurysmal low with a “yin-yang” appearance. Communication

of the sac with the adjacent artery occurs through a neck

with a typical “to-and-fro” biphasic low on spectral Doppler 33

(Fig. 27.13, Video 27.4). Measurement of the neck length and

diameter of the neck of the artery is performed as part of the

assessment before thrombin injection. A neck with larger diameter

has clinical implications because these are less successfully treated

by thrombin injection. If the sac is thrombosed, the neck may

represent the only patent portion of the pseudoaneurysm. At

least one-third of pseudoaneurysm require repair, but spontaneous

closure is common for pseudoaneurysm smaller than 1.8 cm in

diameter. 34 If the sac is patent, ultrasound-guided thrombin

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