Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-15

Color Doppler ultrasound (Continued)

green-tag feature in, 932–933

interpretation of, 28, 28f–29f

interventional sonography, pediatric and, 1945

limitations of, 25b

for neonatal/infant brain, 1573–1574

operating modes in, 30–31

for pancreatic carcinoma, 241, 241b, 241f–243f,


for percutaneous needle biopsies, 599

in placenta accreta diagnosis, 1471

in placenta blood low assessment, 1468–1469

in pleural luid imaging, 1709, 1710f

power compared to conventional, 25, 26f

PRF in, 28, 29f, 30–31

process of, 24, 26f

prostate cancer and, 404f, 406

slow-low sensitivity settings on, 939

for testicular torsion, pediatric, 1895–1899,


for testicular tumors, pediatric, 1901–1902

in ureteral calculi detection, 337, 339f

for ureteral jets evaluation, 1781f

weighted mean frequency in, 28

Color gain, in renal artery duplex Doppler

sonography, 449

Color streaking, breast cysts with, 775, 776f

Colpocephaly, 1202f

in Chiari II malformation, 1526, 1527f

in corpus callosum agenesis, 1528, 1530f

Column of Bertin, in kidney development, 1781,

1783, 1784f

Coma, brain death diferentiated from, 1618–1620,


Comet-tail artifacts, 202, 695

in benign and malignant thyroid nodule

diferentiation, 712–713

in degenerative cysts of thyroid, 1646, 1647f

Common bile duct

anastomosis of, for liver transplantation, 625

dilation of, cylindrical or saccular, pediatric,

1735, 1736f

diverticula of, 1735

stones in, 173–174, 173f

acute pancreatitis and, 221

liver transplantation complications with, 629,


Common femoral vein

as landmark for femoral hernias, 482, 485f

normal anatomy of, 500, 981f

Complete molar pregnancy, 1078, 1079f

Complete subclavian steal, 952–953, 953b, 953f

Complete TGA, 1289, 1289f

Complicated cysts, of breast, 775–780, 776f


of amplitudes, 9

ballottement and, 768

for breast sonography, 768, 772, 773f

of femoral vein, normal, 982f

maneuvers, for dynamic ultrasound of hernia,

474, 475f

for parathyroid gland adenomas detection,


sot tissue ganglia causing, 865

in sound wave, 2, 2f

Compression sonography, 258–260, 261f

Computed tomography (CT)

in abdominal aortic aneurysm

rupture evaluation and, 438, 439f

for screening and surveillance, 437

treatment planning with, 438

in interventional sonography, pediatric, 1943,


parathyroid adenomas and accuracy of, 748, 748f

Computed tomography (CT) (Continued)

pediatric chest, sonography compared to, 1709,


for percutaneous needle biopsies, 599

three-dimensional, in skeletal dysplasia

evaluation, 1384–1385

Concentric hypertrophy, 1294–1295

Conceptual age, deinition of, 1443–1444

ConirmMDx test, 396

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

adrenal rests in, 832–833, 833f, 1824, 1900–1901

pediatric, 1822–1824, 1824f, 1900–1901

Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract

(CAKUT), 1336

Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens

(CBAVD), 394

Congenital coxa vara, atypical hips and, 1932

Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation

(CCAM), 1246, 1248t

fetal, hydrops from, 1426

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), 1248t,


anomalies associated with, 1263

bilateral, 1262

fetal lung size and, 1244

FETO for, 1264

let-sided, 1258–1259, 1260f

morbidity and mortality from, 1264, 1264t

prognosis of, 1261–1262, 1262b

right-sided, 1259, 1261f

survival predictors in, 1262, 1262b

in utero therapy for, 1264

Congenital heart block, fetal, 1297, 1297f

hydrops from, 1425

Congenital heart defects, thickened NT in,

1095–1097, 1096f

Congenital heart disease (CHD)

chromosomal anomalies in, 1270

extracardiac malformations in, 1270

fetal arrhythmia and, 1270–1273

hydrops and, 1270

IVF and, 1270–1273

MCDA twins and, 1270–1273

risk factors associated with, 1270,


recurrence, in ofspring, 1273t

recurrence, in siblings, 1273t

Congenital high airway obstruction (CHAOS),

1248t, 1253–1255, 1254f

hydrops from, 1426

Congenital hypothyroidism, 694

pediatric ovarian cysts and, 1875

Congenital infantile myoibromatosis, 1664,


Congenital lobar emphysema, 1246

Congenital lobar overinlation (CLO), 1246,

1251–1252, 1253f

Congenital malformations, obstetric sonography

and, 1041

Congenital myopathy, atypical hips and, 1932

Congenital nephrotic syndrome, CKD and,


Congenital pulmonary airway malformation


classiication of, 1248

diferential diagnosis of, 1248t

fetal, 1246–1252

hydrops development and, 1248–1249, 1426,


pediatric, 1715–1716, 1717f

pleuropulmonary blastoma diferentiated from,


sonographic diagnosis of, 1248, 1249f

volume ratio of, 1248, 1250

Congestive heart failure

gallbladder wall thickening and, 199f

neonatal/infant, 1566

Conglomerate masses, Crohn disease and, 269

Conjoined tendon insuiciency

direct inguinal hernia and, 479–481, 483f–484f

sports hernia and, 485–486, 489f

Conjoined twins, 1115–1116

complications with, 1129–1130, 1130f

Conn syndrome, adrenal adenomas in, 419

Connatal cysts, 1566

Connective tissue, dense ibrous, homogeneous

plaque and, 920–921

Conradi-Hünermann syndrome, 1399

Constrictive amniotic bands, 1182–1183

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, 521

Continuous wave (CW) devices, 8

Continuous wave Doppler, 24, 25f

Continuous wave probes, with duplex pulsed

Doppler, 939

Continuous wave ultrasound, 36

Contraceptive devices, intrauterine, 529, 552–554,


Contraceptives, oral, hepatic adenomas and, 1746

Contrast, speckle efect on, 13–15, 14f

Contrast agents, 41–42. See also Blood pool

contrast agents

acoustic cavitation and, 43, 44b

avoidance of, in obstetric sonography, 1038

blood pool, 55–56

disruption-replenishment imaging and, 66–67,


echo enhancing, 57f

harmonic imaging with, 58–64

in hydrosonovaginography, 1870–1871, 1871f

intermittent harmonic power Doppler imaging

and, 66, 66f

intermittent imaging with, 64–67, 66f

intravenous Doppler, 1749–1750

intravenous ultrasound, 1746

microbubbles as, 53–54, 54f

behavior of, incident pressure and, 56–58, 57t

disruption of, 64–67, 66f

FNH characterization with, 106, 106f, 108t,


future of technology for, 68–69, 69f–70f

HCC characterization with, 106, 106f

hemangioma characterization with, 106,

106f–107f, 108t

inertial cavitation and, 67–68

lesional enhancement with, 105, 106f–107f,


liver mass characterization with, 105–106,

106f–107f, 108t, 109f–110f

MI and, 58, 58b, 105

need for, 56–58, 57f

regulation of, 68

safety of, 67–68

in musculoskeletal interventions, 898

nonlinear echoes and, 58–64

amplitude and phase modulation imaging

and, 64, 65f

harmonic B-mode imaging and, 60

harmonic spectral and power Doppler and,

60–61, 60f–62f

plane-wave contrast imaging and, 64

pulse inversion Doppler imaging and, 63–64

pulse inversion imaging and, 62–63, 62f–63f

temporal maximum intensity projection

imaging and, 64, 65f

tissue harmonic imaging and, 61–62

perluorocarbons in, 56

for liver mass detection, 107, 111f

requirements for, 54–56

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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