Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-16 Index

Contrast agents (Continued)

triggered imaging and, 65

types of, 54–56

in water enema technique, 1870–1871, 1871f

Contrast efect, of steroid anesthetic mixture, 899,


Contrast pulse sequence (CPS), 64

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)

adenoma diagnosis with, 116–117, 117f

backscatter increased with, 107, 111f

for breast lesions, 773–774

cavernous hemangioma characterization with,

111, 113f

for Crohn disease, 269, 273f

Crohn disease identiication with, pediatric,

1853, 1854f

in fatty liver diagnosis, 91–92

FNH diagnosis with, 113–115, 115f

gut wall and, 261

HCC detection with, 120–122, 123f

Hilar cholangiocarcinoma assessment with, 188,


liver metastases diagnosis with, 128–129, 130f

for pancreas, 251

for pancreas transplantation, 676

for prostate cancer, 406

for thyroid gland assessment, 692, 714–715

Contrast-to-noise ratio, spatial compounding and,

13–15, 15f

Conus medullaris

determining position of, 1677, 1679f

fetal, location of, 1218–1221, 1221f, 1673, 1673f

low and tethered, caudal agenesis type II and,


Conus septum, TOF and, 1288

Cooper ligaments, 761, 761f–763f

Copy number variants (CNVs), 1088

Coracoacromial ligament, 878–879

Coracobrachialis muscle, 878–879

Coracoclavicular ligaments, 878–879

Coracohumeral ligament, 878–879

Coracoid process, 878–879, 879f

Cordocentesis, 1434, 1434f

Cornelia de Lange syndrome, microcephaly in,



hematometra and, 551–552

“Cornual pregnancy”, 1073

Coronary bypass grat, radial artery evaluation for,

977–978, 980f

Corpora amylacea, 387

Corpora quadrigemina, 1518

Corpus callosum

agenesis of

in Chiari II malformation, 1526, 1528f

fetal brain and, 1199–1201, 1202f, 1203b

neonatal/infant neural tube closure disorders

and, 1526–1528, 1529b, 1530f–1533f

periventricular nodular heterotopia and, 1199f

VM and, 1177

dysgenesis of, fetal brain and, 1199–1201, 1203b

lipoma of, 1529, 1533f

in rhombencephalosynapsis, 1192

thinning of, in PVL, 1552

Corpus luteum

angiogenesis of, 1063

cysts of, 570

pediatric, 1875

development of, 568

formation of, 1049

Corrected TGA, 1290, 1290f

Cortical development malformations, fetal brain

and, 1193–1203

absence of septi pellucidi as, 1201–1203

cerebrohepatorenal syndrome as, 1196

chondrodysplasia punctata as, 1196

Cortical development malformations, fetal brain

and (Continued)

classiication of, 1194b

corpus callosum agenesis/dysgenesis as,

1199–1201, 1202f, 1203b

focal changes in, 1196

hemimegalencephaly as, 1195

heterotopia as, 1196, 1199f

intracranial calciications as, 1195f, 1203, 1204f

lissencephaly as, 1195–1196, 1196f–1197f

macrocephaly as, 1194–1195

megalencephaly as, 1194–1195

microcephaly as, 1194, 1195f

polymicrogyria as, 1196, 1198f

schizencephaly as, 1196, 1199f

SOD as, 1201–1203, 1203f

TSC and, 1198, 1200f

Cortical nephrocalcinosis, 339

pediatric, 1798, 1798b, 1798f

Corticosteroids, for musculoskeletal injections, 900

Cortisol, secretion of, 417

Couinaud anatomy, of liver, 76–77, 77t, 78f

Coxa vara, congenital, atypical hips and, 1932

Coxsackie virus, 1203–1204

Coxsackie virus infection, fetal hydrops from, 1431

Coxsackievirus B, endocardial ibroelastosis from,


CPAM. See Congenital pulmonary airway


CP/CPPPS. See Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic

pain syndrome

CPS. See Contrast pulse sequence

Cranial Bone hermal Index (TIC), 39–40

Cranial hairy tut, diastematomyelia and, 1689

Cranial neuropore, in spine embryology, 1217

Craniocervical junction, in pediatric spine, 1674,


Cranioectodermal dysplasia, 1395

Craniolacunia, in Chiari II malformation, 1526

Craniopharyngioma, intracranial, fetal, 1208

Craniorachischisis, 1179, 1218

Cranioschisis, deinition of, 1225t


with cloverleaf-shaped skull deformity,


cranial contour indicating, 1382

intracranial compliance in, evaluation of,


metopic, 1137f

syndromes associated with, 1136–1139,


Cranium, in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

Crass position, for shoulder ultrasound

modiied, 881, 883f–884f

original, 881, 883f

Creeping fat, Crohn disease and, 269, 271f

Cremasteric (external spermatic) artery, 821, 821f

Cremasteric relex, 846

CREST. See Carotid Revascularization

Endarterectomy Versus Stenting Trial

CRL. See Crown-rump length

Crohn disease

anatomy afected by, 268

appendicitis associated with, 285, 287f, 1862f

CEUS for, 269, 273f

classic features of, 269

color Doppler ultrasound for, 268t, 269, 272f

complications of, 269–276

istula formation as, 276, 279f–280f

incomplete mechanical bowel obstruction as,

274, 276f

inlammatory masses as, 275–276, 278f–279f

localized perforation with phlegmon as,

274–275, 277f

perianal inlammation as, 276, 281f, 305–306

strictures as, 269–274, 275f–276f

Crohn disease (Continued)

conglomerate masses and, 269

creeping fat and, 269, 271f

diagnosis of, 267–268

gastrointestinal tract and, 266–269

gut wall thickening and, 269, 270f–271f

hyperemia and, 269, 272f–273f

intramural sinus tract in, 269, 274f

lymphadenopathy in, 269, 272f

management of, 266–267

mucosal abnormalities and, 269, 274f

pediatric, 1853, 1854f

sonographic assessment of, 268, 268b, 268t

transperineal scanning in, 276

Crossed-fused ectopia, 318, 318f

pediatric, 1784–1785, 1785f

Crouzon syndrome

craniosynostosis in, 1136–1138

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

Crown-rump length (CRL), 1054

accurate, criteria for, 1092, 1092b

early pregnancy failure and, no heartbeat and,

1063, 1064f

embryos with less than 7 mm, and no heartbeat,


in gestational age determination, 1445, 1446f,


in gestational age estimation, 1062

gestational sac with small MSD in relationship

to, early pregnancy failure and, 1066,


NT compared to, 1089, 1090f

Cryptorchid testes, 823


testicular microlithiasis and, 1904

testis and, 851, 851f

pediatric, 826

Crystalline form, of injectable steroids, 900

CT. See Computed tomography

Cubital tunnel, 865–866


anterior, 528

luid in, 568–569, 569f

posterior, 528, 566

Cumulus oophorus, 1049

Currarino triad, 1689

Curved array transducers

beam steering in, 10–11, 11f

use and operation of, 12

Cushing disease, adrenal adenomas in, 419

Cushing syndrome, 832–833

adrenal adenomas in, 419

pediatric, adrenal rests in, 1900–1901

Cutaneous rapidly involuting congenital

hemangiomas, 1742–1743

CVS. See Chorionic villus sampling

CW devices. See Continuous wave devices

Cyclopia, 1140

alobar HPE and, 1534–1535


mucocele of appendix and, 299


mucinous, 580f, 581

pediatric, 1880

serous, 580–581, 580f


biliary, 82, 83f

epididymal, paratesticular, 1904

mucocele of appendix and, 299


mucinous, 580f–581f, 581

pediatric, 1880

serous, 580–581, 580f

papillary, of epididymis, 840–841

Cystic adenomatoid malformations, pediatric,


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