Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-31

Hyperechoic tissue, in breast sonography, 796–797,



in acute cholecystitis, 197f, 198–199

Crohn disease and, 269, 272f–273f

reactive, in testicular detorsion, 1895

testicular, pediatric, 1896

Hyperoxaluria, primary, CKD and, 1796–1798


grat-dependent, 742–744, 743f

pediatric, 1650

persistent, 741–744, 744f

imaging importance in, 749, 751f–752f

primary, 733–735

causes of, 734b

diagnosis of, 734

MAP for, 749

pathology of, 734

prevalence of, 733–734

treatment of, 734–735

recurrent, 741–744, 743f

ethanol ablation for, 751–754, 754f

secondary, 744–745

calcimimetics for, 734

ethanol ablation for, 751–754, 754f

tertiary, 751

Hyperreactio luteinalis, 572

Hyperrelexia, detrusor, 372–374, 373f


conditions associated with, 1140, 1141b,


midface hypoplasia with, 1149f

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

Hypertension. See also Portal hypertension

carotid low waveforms and, 935f, 936–937

fetal, adrenal glands and, 1353–1354

maternal, IUGR and, 1455

pulmonary, with CDH, 1264


clinical indings suggesting, 446b

renal artery stenosis and, 446–447

renovascular disease and, 368


NTDs from, 1218

safety and, 38, 38f

teratogenic efects from, 38


fetal goiter in, 1163

Graves disease and, 727, 727f

Hypertrichosis, focal, tethered cord and, 1679

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 1294–1295

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, 1292

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS), 1835–1838,

1835b, 1837f–1838f

pitfalls in diagnosis of, 1838, 1838b, 1839f

pylorospasm and minimal muscular, 1836–1838,


Hypertrophied column of Bertin (HCB), 313–314,

314b, 315f


of adrenal glands, 416–417

concentric, 1294–1295

kidney and compensatory, 317–318

Hyperventilation, arterial velocities and, 1595

Hyperventilation therapy, pediatric, TCD

sonography and, 1614

Hypoalbuminemia, gallbladder wall thickening

and, 199f

Hypochondrogenesis, achondrogenesis type 2

diferentiated from, 1391

Hypoechogenicity, in breast sonography, 792–793,


Hypoechoic metastases, of liver, 125, 127f–128f

Hypogastric hernias, 488–489, 491, 491f

Hypophosphatasia, 1383f

achondrogenesis diferentiated from, 1391

anencephaly diferentiated from, 1179

calvarial compressibility in, 1382

lethal, 1392–1395, 1395f

sonographic appearance of, 1380f

Hypophosphatasia congenita, 1392

Hypopituitarism, primary, pediatric, 1891

Hypoplasia. See also Pulmonary hypoplasia, fetal

cerebellar, 1190

of femur, fetal, in caudal regression, 1237–1238

of kidneys, 317

of middle phalanx in trisomy 21, 1101

midface, 1148, 1149f–1150f

pontocerebellar, 1190

pulmonary, 1245–1246

of thyroid gland, 694, 694f

of uterus, 538

vermis, 1190–1192, 1192f

inferior, arachnoid cysts diferentiated from,


Hypoplastic let heart syndrome, 1287, 1287f, 1292

Hypoplastic let ventricle, 1292

Hypoplastic right ventricle, 1287, 1287f

Hypoplastic scapulae, in campomelic dysplasia,

1381–1382, 1395, 1396f

Hypospadias, fetal, 1367


conditions associated with, 1140, 1140b,


craniosynostosis and, 1136–1138

Hypothalamus, in menstrual cycle, 1050f


congenital, 694

pediatric, 1642–1643

pediatric ovarian cysts and, 1875


fetal goiter in, 1163

wormian bones in, 1139

goitrous, 694

Hypoventilation, arterial velocities and, 1595

Hypoxic ischemic injury (HII), 1580, 1581f–1582f

Hypoxic-ischemic events, neonatal/infant brain

and, 1541–1557

arterial watershed and, 1541, 1541t

cerebral edema and, 1550–1556

difuse, 1553–1555, 1554f

cerebral infarction and, 1550–1556

focal, 1555–1556, 1556b, 1556f

hemorrhage and

cerebellar, 1548–1550, 1549f

germinal matrix, 1541–1543, 1542f, 1543b,


intraparenchymal, 1547–1548, 1547f–


intraventricular, 1544–1545, 1544f–1546f,


intraventricular, with hydrocephalus,

1545–1547, 1546f–1547f

subarachnoid, 1550, 1550f

subependymal, 1543–1544, 1543f–1544f

hyperechoic caudate nuclei and, 1557, 1557f

injury patterns from, 1541t

lenticulostriate vasculopathy and, 1556–1557

PVL and, 1541, 1550–1553, 1551f–1553f


IBD. See Inlammatory bowel disease

Identical twins. See Monozygotic twins

Idiopathic disorders, fetal hydrops from, 1432

Idiopathic varicocele, 837–838

IEA. See Inferior epigastric artery

IgG4. See Immunoglobulin G4

IJV. See Internal jugular vein

Ileal conduits, evaluation of, 375, 375f

Ileal obstruction, fetal, 1310

Ileitis, terminal, 288


meconium, 1310

paralytic, 294f, 295

Iliac, angle of, in trisomy 21, 1101

Iliac artery, 966

stenosis of, 971f

Iliac veins, 455–464

anatomy of, 456–457

external, ultrasound examination of, 982

thrombosis of, 459–460, 459f–461f

detection diiculties with, 988, 988f

Ilioinguinal nerve entrapment of, ater

herniorrhaphy, 496

Iliopsoas tendon, injection for, 905, 906f

Illicit drugs, fetal gastroschisis and, 1322–1323

Image display, 9–13, 9f–11f

Image quality

key determinants of, 16–19

spatial resolution in, 16–19, 18f–19f

Image storage, 12–13

Imaging. See also speciic techniques

amplitude and phase modulation, 64, 65f

for drainage, ultrasound-guided, 610, 610f

keepsake, 49b, 50

pancreatitis approach of

acute, 221–222, 221b

chronic, 231

parathyroid adenomas and accuracy in, 746–749

percutaneous needle biopsy methods for, 599

pitfalls in, 19–21

plane-wave contrast, 64

pulse inversion, 62–63, 62f–63f

renal cell carcinoma approach for, 341, 341f

special modes of, 13–16

elastography, 15–16, 16b, 17f–18f

spatial compounding, 13–15, 14f–15f

3-D ultrasound, 15, 16f

tissue harmonic imaging, 13, 13f–14f, 61–62

split-screen, for breast assessment, 769, 769f

temporal maximum intensity projection, 64, 65f

triggered, 65

volume, in obstetric sonography, 1030

Immunocompromised patients

acute typhlitis and, 287–288, 289f

hepatic candidiasis in, 86–87, 88f

Immunoglobulin A nephropathy, CKD and,


Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)

associated disease, 1635

cholangitis related to, 182–184, 185f

Immunosuppression, adrenal glands and, 423


high-resistance waveform in brachial artery, 27f

low-resistance waveform in peripheral vascular

bed, 27f

Imperforate anus, 1310–1311

block vertebrae with, 1689, 1692f

high, pediatric, risk of spinal dysraphism with,


pediatric, 1847–1848, 1850f

Imperforate hymen, hematometrocolpos form,

546–547, 546f

Implantation, 1051, 1052f

Implants, breast

abnormal capsule in, 804

extracapsular rupture of, 805–807, 806f

ill valve causing palpable abnormalities in, 804,


intracapsular rupture of, 804–805, 805f

radial folds causing palpable abnormalities in,

804, 804f

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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