Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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APPENDIX Ultrasound Artifacts: A Virtual Chapter




In mapping a returning echo onto the generated image, an

assumption is made that it originated from the same part of the

transducer from which it was produced. Also, an assumption is

made that the echo is the result of a single relection. he depth

of the relector is calculated based on the time it took for the

sound wave to travel from the transducer to the relector and

back, assuming a single relection. When these assumptions do

not hold, various types of artifacts occur.

Click here to see an explanatory video of path of sound

assumption (Video A.6).

Mirror Image Artifact

A mirror image artifact is created when the primary beam

encounters a highly relective surface that acts like a mirror. he

relected echoes then encounter other relectors and bounce back

onto the mirror before being directed to the transducer. he

result is artifactually inverted projection of the relectors deeper

to the surface of the mirror. he image is displayed deeper because

of the longer path of the relected sound. If the mirror image

artifact causes confusion, it can be decreased or eliminated by

moving the transducer to center it on the region of interest and/

or placing the focal zone at the level of interest in the real


Click here to see an explanatory video of mirror image artifact

(Video A.7).

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