Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 36 The Fetal Chest 1259





FIG. 36.12 Congenital Primary Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia. (A) Axial and (B) sagittal sonograms of the fetal chest at 28 weeks’ gestation

demonstrate pleural effusions (arrow). The underlying lungs are heterogeneous. (C) Axial T2-weighted image conirms the presence of small

effusions and heterogenous lung parenchyma “nutmeg” in appearance. (D) Chest radiograph at 2 days of age demonstrates course interstitial

markings and small effusions, right greater than left.

examination of the course of the portal and hepatic veins is

helpful to demonstrate hepatic vessels extending into the chest. 177

he intraabdominal hepatic vein takes a curved course (Fig.

36.13E), and the let portal vein branches will be seen at or above

the diaphragm. 174

In a right-sided hernia, the liver herniates into the chest, and

mediastinal shit is to the let (Fig. 36.14, Video 36.6). Liver

echogenicity can appear similar to the lung, so visualization of

gallbladder and hepatic vessels in the thorax is helpful in conirming

the diagnosis. Bowel can also herniate, but the stomach is

located below the diaphragm. Because of kinking of the intrahepatic

inferior vena cava, ascites (with luid extending into the

chest) and hydrops can develop. Absence of the hypoechoic

muscular diaphragm on the right helps in diferentiating CDH

from other fetal chest masses.

Complete anatomic examination should be performed to

assess for presence of associated anomalies (25%-75%). Echocardiography

is indicated because congenital cardiac defects occur

in 10% to 35% of cases and decrease survival from 73% to 67%

if it is a minor defect or to 36% if it is a major complex cardiac

defect. 184

MRI is a useful adjuvant for conirming the diagnosis of a

CDH and assessing for additional abnormalities. MRI better

demonstrates the position of the liver and the amount of

herniation due to diferentiation of the hepatic lobe (bright on

T1-weighted imaging) from the compressed lung or a solid type

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