Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-22 Index

Endocardial cushion(s), 1279, 1282f

development of, 1284, 1284f

Endocardial ibroelastosis (EF), 1292

fetal, 1294, 1295f

heart block and, 1425

Endocervical canal, normal sonographic

appearance of, 1497f, 1499

Endocrine disorders, fetal hydrops from, 1432

Endocrine drainage, in pancreas transplantation,

672, 675f

Endocrine tumors, pancreatic, 248–249, 249f–250f,


Endoderm layer, of trilaminar embryonic disc,

1216–1217, 1217f

Endodermal sinus tumor

ovarian, 585

pediatric, 1880

testicular, 823–824, 825f

pediatric, 1899

vaginal, pediatric, 1883

Endoleaks, ater AAA repair, 438–439, 440f–442f

Endoluminal grat, 438

Endometrial carcinoma, 544, 550f

polycystic ovarian disease and, 1877–1878

Endometrial plaques, 523, 524f

Endometrioid tumors, ovarian, 581


appearances of, 574–575, 575f

in pouch of Douglas, 524f

sonographic evaluation of, 521–523


of bladder, 372, 372f

in ovaries, 574–576, 575f–576f

in peritoneum, 521–523, 524f

Endometritis, 554

PID and, 1885

postpartum recognition of, 555–556


abnormalities of, 544–552

ablation as, 551–552, 552f

adhesions as, 551, 552f

atrophy as, 547–548

bleeding as, 544, 544b

carcinoma as, 544, 548–551, 550f

hematometrocolpos as, 546–547, 546f

hormone use and postmenopausal, 544–545,

544b, 545f

hydrometrocolpos as, 546–547

hyperplasia as, 544, 547–548, 548f

polyps as, 544, 548, 549f

postmenopausal bleeding as, 545–546

postmenopausal luid and, 546–547, 546b,


sarcoma as, 551, 551f

thickening, 544, 544b

calciications of, 533, 534f

cysts of, 547–548

ectopic pregnancy and, 1072–1073

layers of, sonographic appearance of, 531, 532f

lining of, in menstrual cycle, 1050f

phases of, sonographic appearance of, 531, 532f

proliferation of, 1049, 1050f

sonographic appearance of, 531, 532f

thickness of

measurement for, 531

transvaginal ultrasound assessment for,


Endoscopic ultrasound

for adrenal glands, 428–429, 429f

for percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas, 423

Endosonography, of gastrointestinal tract, 300–307

for anal canal, 302–307, 304f–307f, 306b

for rectum, 301–302, 301f–304f

for upper gastrointestinal tract, 300–301

Endotracheal suctioning, in neonatal/infant brain,


Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR), 438

End-stage renal disease (ESRD)

catheterization and, 994

hemodialysis for, 996

relux nephropathy and, 327, 327f

Enhancement artifacts, 21, 22f

Entamoeba histolytica, 613

hepatic infection by, 87

Enteric drainage, in pancreas transplantation, 672

Enteric duplication cysts, fetal

ovarian cysts diferentiated from, 1369

small bowel and, 1312–1313, 1313f

Enterobius vermicularis organisms, 1853

Enterocolitis, necrotizing, pediatric, 1854–1855,

1855b, 1856f

Enterocutaneous istulas, 612

Entertainment videos, 49b, 50

Enthesis, 902

Eosinophilic gastritis, gastric mucosa thickening

in, 1839–1840

Ependymomas, neonatal/infant brain and, 1562

Epicondylitis, 861

Epidermal inclusion cysts, 779

Epidermal nevus syndrome, hemimegalencephaly

associated with, 1195

Epidermoid cyst(s)


neck and, 1652–1654

in suprahyoid area, 1640

testicular, 1900–1901, 1901f

splenic, 146–147, 148f–149f

testicular, 830f, 831

Epidermolysis bullosa, pyloric atresia and, 1307


anatomy of, 819–820, 820f

appendices of, 820–821, 820f

cystadenomas of, paratesticular, 1904

cysts of, 839, 842f

inlammation of, 846

lesions of, 839–841

papillary cystadenomas of, 840–841

pediatric, 1890

appendix, 1897, 1897f

cysts of, 1902–1903, 1903f

postvasectomy changes in, 841, 843f

sarcoidosis and, 841, 843f

sperm granuloma and, 841, 843f

tumors of, extratesticular, 840–841, 840f


acute, 846

scrotum pain from, 846, 847f–848f, 1895–

1896, 1896f

chronic, 841, 843f


bladder outlet obstruction and, 1897

chronic, 1896

color Doppler ultrasound for, 1896, 1896b

following trauma, 1897

infarction and, 1896

ischemia and, 1896

orchitis and, 1896

testicular torsion and, 1323–1324, 1895–1896,


Epididymo-orchitis, acute scrotal pain from, 846,


Epidural hematomas, neonatal/infant, 1557

Epigastric hernias, 488–491, 490f–491f

Epigastrium, free air in, 526

Epignathus, 1159

Epinephrine, secretion of, 417

Epineurium, 864–865, 865f


slipped capital femoral, 1931–1932

stippled, 1399

Epiploic foramen, 211–212

Epispadias, bladder exstrophy with, 1326

Epispadias, fetal cloacal exstrophy and, 1328

Epithelial cell tumors, ovarian, pediatric, 1879

Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE),


Epstein-Barr virus

difuse lymphadenitis in, 1660, 1662f

PTLD and, 682

Erb palsy, 1934

ERSPC (European Randomized Study of Screening

for Prostate Cancer), 397

Erythroblastosis fetalis, 1419. See also Hydrops,

fetal, immune

Escherichia coli, 846, 1852

Esophageal atresia, 1305–1306, 1305f–1306f, 1305t

Esophageal cysts, pediatric, 1650

Esophageal duplication cysts, 1256

Esophageal pouch sign, 1305–1306, 1306f


carcinoma of, staging of, endosonography in,


fetal, 1305–1306

esophageal atresia and, 1305–1306, 1305f–

1306f, 1305t

parathyroid adenomas confused with, 745

pediatric, 1833–1840

anatomy of, 1834, 1834f

sonographic technique for, 1833–1835

ESRD. See End-stage renal disease

ESWL. See Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy

Ethanol ablation

of cervical nodal metastasis from papillary

carcinoma, 720, 721f

for secondary or recurrent hyperparathyroidism,

751–754, 754f

for thyroid nodules

autonomously functioning, 719–720

benign functioning, 719, 719f

solitary solid benign “cold”, 720

Ethanol sclerotherapy, 719


alobar HPE and, 1534–1535

hypotelorism and, 1140

European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST), 916

European Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in

Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), 1041

European Randomized Study of Screening for

Prostate Cancer (ERSPC), 397

EVAR. See Endovascular aortic repair

Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure,

1159, 1255

Exencephaly, 1179, 1218

EXIT procedure. See Ex utero intrapartum

treatment procedure

Exorbitism, 1140

craniosynostosis and, 1136–1138

hypertelorism with, in Pfeifer syndrome, 1145f

Expected date of delivery (EDD)

determination of, 1022

ultrasound changing, 1022–1029

External beam radiotherapy, for prostate cancer,

400–401, 401f

External spermatic (cremasteric) artery, 821, 821f

Extracardiac malformations, in CHD, 1270

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

complications of, 1548

in neonatal/infant brain, duplex Doppler

sonography and, 1578–1580, 1579f

TCD sonography in monitoring, 1622

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), 42

Extravaginal torsion, 844, 844f



measurements of, 1378–1379, 1379t,


routine sonographic views of, 1021, 1028f

right lower, amputation of, 1403f

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