Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1258 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography

FIG. 36.11 Pericardial Effusion. Note how the lungs (arrows) are

compressed posteriorly in the fetal chest by the effusion surrounding

the heart.

Case reports of other treatment options include pleurodesis

and intrapleural injection of autologous blood, which yield a

survival rate of 80%. 155,156


In contrast to pleural efusions that surround the lungs and

compress the tissue medially, pericardial efusions are anteromedial

luid collections. Fluid collections of up to 2 mm in

thickness are common, and a small amount of pericardial luid

(up to 7 mm, in isolation) can be a normal inding. 157 A large

pericardial efusion compresses the lungs against the posterior

chest wall (Fig. 36.11). he heart is visualized as “loating” within

the anterior thoracic luid collection.


Pulmonary lymphangiectasia is a congenital obstruction and

dilation of the pulmonary lymphatic system. he lungs become

enlarged and stif, with development of efusions that can result

in respiratory failure. here are primary and secondary forms

of pulmonary lymphangiectasia. he secondary form is caused

by congenital heart diseases that result in poor venolymphatic

return. 158-160 Ultrasound indings can be subtle with pleural

efusions and heterogeneous lung parenchyma (Fig. 36.12). he

use of echocardiography is important to exclude cardiac


Fetal MRI demonstrates pleural efusions and lung heterogeneity.

Tubular T2-hyperintense branches may be present radiating

from the hila. A heterogeneous pattern referred to as the “nutmeg

lung” (Fig. 36.12C) provides a more speciic diagnosis. 161

Postnatal management includes restriction of dietary fats,

pleural efusion drainage, pleurodesis, and thoracic duct ligation.

Recent experimental treatment using ethiodized oil to embolize

the patulous pulmonary lymphatics has shown some success. 162



CDH results from failure of the pleuroperitoneal canal to close

at the end of organogenesis. 163 A “dual hit” hypothesis suggests

that the defect arises in the embryologic period (irst hit), and

during further gestation, lung development is impaired (second

hit). 164 he defect in the diaphragm allows herniation of viscera

into the chest. Mass efect from visceral organs in the chest has

an adverse impact on the normal development of the fetal cardiac

and pulmonary systems. hus CDH is associated with substantial

morbidity and mortality. 165-168 he incidence of CDH is about 1

in 3000 births.

CDHs can be classiied based on location; types include

posterolateral Bochdalek hernia (70%-75%), anterior Morgagni

hernia (23%-28%), and central defects (2%-7%). Most CDHs

(85%-90%) are let sided, 10% to 15% are right sided, and only

2% are bilateral. 169-173 Complete agenesis of the diaphragm,

herniation of the central tendinous part, pericardial hernia,

membrane-covered hernias, and eventration of the diaphragm

are rarer manifestations. 173

Ultrasound indings of CDH include presence of stomach

bubble, gallbladder or bowel within the thoracic cavity, deviation

of the heart and mediastinum, herniated liver, abnormal position

of the umbilical and hepatic veins, pleural efusion, and polyhydramnios.

170,174,175 he abdominal circumference is oten small,

with a scaphoid shape of the abdomen secondary to displacement

of viscera into the chest. 176

Let-sided CDH is most oten diagnosed when the stomach

is in the chest near the let atrium, with absence of the normal

stomach below the diaphragm (Fig. 36.13, Videos 36.3 and

36.4). Small and large bowel as well as the liver, spleen, and

kidney can herniate into the thorax. As the abdominal contents

herniate into the chest, mediastinal shit occurs with the heart

deviating to the right. 9,172,177 In large hernias, mediastinal shit

is severe, leading to vascular compromise. Compression of the

heart, impaired swallowing, and partial obstruction of the

gastrointestinal tract lead to polyhydramnios, which is present

in up to 69% of cases, particularly late in gestation (by the third

trimester). 165,178,179

Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of CDH can be made as

early as the irst trimester. 180-182 Detection rate sonographically

in centers with screening programs is as high as 74%, with an

increased detection rate when CDH is associated with other

anomalies. 183

At times, a let-sided hernia will be present with the stomach

in the abdomen and only small bowel loops in the chest. Real-time

ultrasound can demonstrate peristalsis of the bowel in the chest.

Paradoxical movement of abdominal contents during fetal

inspiration on real-time sonogram may help to conirm CDH,

along with traditional sonographic indings. 166

In most let-sided hernias the let lobe of the liver herniates

into the chest. he diagnosis of liver in the chest is made by

direct visualization of the liver (Video 36.5). At times, sonographic

detection of intrathoracic liver is diicult because of the liver’s

isoechoic appearance with the fetal lung. In these cases,

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