Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-28 Index

Hematoma(s) (Continued)

pelvic, 591

perinephric luid collections and, 1809

preplacental, 1471, 1475f

renal, 365–366

ater renal transplantation, 665, 671f

simulating anterior abdominal wall hernias, 500,


splenic, 158, 159f

pediatric, 1770, 1771f

stitch, ater herniorrhaphy, 494–496, 495f

subamniotic, 1474

subchorionic, 1474

placental abruption diferentiated from, 1471,


subdural, neonatal/infant, 1557, 1558f

subfascial, cesarean sections and, 556–557, 557f

subplacental, 1471, 1474f

in synthetic arteriovenous grat for hemodialysis,


testicular, 848–850, 850f

pediatric, 1897–1898


cervical carcinoma and, 546, 547f, 549

cornual, 551–552

Hematometrocolpos, 1882f

from imperforate hymen, 546–547, 546f

Hematopoiesis, in yolk sac, 1057

Hematospermia, prostate and, 394, 394b

Hematotrachelos, 546

Hemidiaphragm, eventration of, 1263f


hepatoblastomas and, 1746

Wilms tumor screening with, 1818

Hemimegalencephaly, 1195

Hemithorax, pediatric, radiopaque

in neonatal chylothorax, 1704f

partially, 1705f


pediatric, 1688–1689

scoliosis and kyphosis from, 1235–1237

Hemobilia, 174, 175f

Hemodialysis, 996–1006

AVF and

aneurysms near, 1003, 1005f

arm and leg swelling with, 1006, 1009f

hematomas near, 1002–1003, 1005f

maturation of, evaluating, 1003

occlusion of, 1006

palpable focal masses near, 1002–1003

placement for, 996, 997f

pseudoaneurysms near, 1003, 1005f

stenoses associated with, 1003–1006,


ultrasound evaluation of, 1000–1006,


for ESRD, 996

sonographic examination technique for, 996

synthetic arteriovenous grat and

aneurysms near, 1003

arm and leg swelling with, 1006, 1009f

hematomas near, 1002–1003

occlusion of, 1006, 1010f

palpable focal masses near, 1002–1003

placement of, 996, 997f

pseudoaneurysms near, 1003, 1006f

stenoses associated with, 1006, 1008f

ultrasound examination of, 1002, 1004f

ultrasound examination and protocol for,


thigh grat and, preoperative mapping for,

1000, 1001f

vein mapping before, 996–1000

upper extremity, 996–998, 998f–1000f

Hemoglobin, fetal deicit in, immune hydrops and,



fetal, hydrops from, 1431

from obstetric sonography, 1038

Hemolytic anemia, fetal, hepatomegaly, and, 1316

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), pediatric

Doppler assessment of, 1805, 1807f

intestinal wall thickening in, 1851f, 1853–1854

Hemoperitoneum, 507–508, 508f


adrenal, 422–424, 424f

fetal, 1354

ater liver transplantation, 638, 645f

neonatal, 1824–1825, 1825f

arachnoid cysts diferentiated from, 1192–1193

cavum veli interpositi cysts diferentiated from,


cerebellar, neonatal/infant brain and, 1548–1550,


fetal, hydrops from, 1431

hypoxic-ischemic events and

cerebellar, 1548–1550, 1549f

germinal matrix, 1541–1543, 1542f, 1543b,


intraparenchymal, 1547–1548, 1547f–1549f

intraventricular, 1544–1545, 1544f–1546f,


intraventricular, with hydrocephalus,

1545–1547, 1546f–1547f

subarachnoid, 1550, 1550f

subependymal, 1543–1544, 1543f–1544f


fetal, 1206, 1207f

neonatal/infant brain and, duplex Doppler

sonography of, 1580–1581, 1584f

intramural, pediatric, in Henoch-Schönlein

purpura, 1853, 1855f


IUFD and, 1124f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1547–1548,


intraplacental, thick placenta in, 1466

intraplaque, in heterogenous plaque, 920–921


from germinal matrix hemorrhage, 1541

with hydrocephalus, 1545–1547, 1546f–1547f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1544–1545,

1544f–1546f, 1545b

signs of, 1545b


ovarian cysts and, 1877, 1878f–1879f

spinal canal, 1695, 1695f–1696f

thyroid, 1646, 1647f

percutaneous needle biopsy complications with,

608, 609f

placental, 1474

posterior fossa, 1548–1550

postpartum, in fetal hydrops, 1436

subarachnoid, neonatal/infant brain and, 1550,



early pregnancy failure and, 1069, 1069f

fetal echogenic bowel and, 1315f

subdural, fetal, bilateral, 1207f

subependymal, neonatal/infant brain and,

1543–1544, 1543f–1544f

Hemorrhagic cholecystitis, 200

Hemorrhagic cystitis, pediatric, 1908, 1910f

Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, 570–571, 571f,


Hemothorax, sonographic appearance of, 1702,


Henoch-Schönlein purpura, 845–846, 1842

pediatric, 1853, 1855f

scrotal and testicular involvement in, 1899

Heparin, 598

Hepatic alveolar echinococcus, 90

Hepatic artery

anastomosis of, for liver transplantation, 624

aneurysms of, ater liver transplantation, 1768,


anomalies of, 80–81

liver circulation and, 78

ater liver transplantation

normal appearance of, 625

occlusion of, 626–627

pseudoaneurysms of, 634, 636f

resistive index elevation in, 634

stenosis of, 631–634, 634f–635f, 1766

thrombosis of, 627, 628f, 631, 633f

pediatric, Doppler studies of, best approaches

for, 1752–1754, 1755f

pseudoaneurysm of, 104

ater liver transplantation, 634, 636f

Hepatic vein(s)

anatomic variants of, 457

anomalies of, 81–82

fetal liver calciications and, 1316–1318

liver circulation and, 80

normal, 76, 76f, 77t

occlusion of, in Budd-Chiari syndrome,

100–102, 100f–101f


anatomy of, 1733–1734, 1734f

Doppler studies of, best approaches for, 1752

thrombosis of, suprahepatic portal

hypertension and, 1763, 1763f

stenosis of, ater liver transplantation, 637, 643f

strictures of, in cirrhosis, 95, 95f

Hepatitis, 1203–1204

A, 83

acute, 84–85, 85f–86f, 172

gallbladder wall thickening signs in, 201f

B, 83–84

maternal hydrops from, 1432

C, 84

chronic, 85

from congenital herpes, hepatitis from, 1739f

D, 84

E, 84

neonatal, jaundice and, 1734, 1737–1738,


viral, 83–85

Hepatization, of gallbladder, 195

Hepatoblastomas, pediatric, 1746, 1747f

pseudoprecocious puberty and, 1888

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

CEUS for detection of, 120–122, 123f

characterization of, with microbubble contrast

agents, 106, 106f

in cirrhotic liver, characterization of, 122, 122t

ibrolamellar subtype of, 122–123

inborn errors of metabolism and, 1738

of liver, 118–123, 120f–121f, 122t, 123f

pediatric, 1746

portal vein thrombosis from, 120, 121f

sonographic appearance of, 119–120, 120f

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β–related (HNF1β)

disease, 1350–1351

Hepatoduodenal ligament, 77, 79f

Hepatofugal portal venous low, 1750, 1757

Hepatolithiasis, 179

Hepatomegaly, fetal, 1316, 1317f

Hepatopetal portal venous low, 1750


from CMV, 1204

fetal, 1317f

in immune hydrops, 1422

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, 104

Hereditary lymphedema, fetal, 1403–1404, 1405f

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer

syndrome, 578

Hermaphroditism, true, pediatric, 1891, 1899

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