Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-57

Testis(es) (Continued)

cysts of, 829, 829b

cystic dysplasia and, 830

epidermoid, 830f, 831

intratesticular, 829, 830f

tubular ectasia of rete testis and, 829–830,


ectopia of, transverse, 1890

feminization of, 826

dysplastic gonads and, 1899

primary amenorrhea in, 1887


descent of, 1367

undescended, 1367

ibrosis of, ater orchitis, 846, 849f

fracture of, 850, 850f

gubernaculum, 851

hematoma of, 848–850, 850f

heterogeneous “striped”, 846, 849f

infarction of

ater herniorrhaphy, 494–496, 495f

segmental, 832, 832f

in inguinal canal, 851, 851f

malpositioned, 851

mediastinum, 819, 820f

pediatric, 1888

metastases to, 822b, 826–829, 826b

hamartomas as, 829, 829f

leukemia as, 827, 828f

lymphoma as, 826–827, 828f

myeloma as, 827–829

microlithiasis of, 833, 833b, 834f


accessory, 1891

anatomy of, 1888–1890, 1889f

appendix, 1897

bilobed, 1891

congenital abnormalities of, 1890–1892, 1890f

cystic dysplasia of, 1891–1892, 1891f

cysts of, solitary simple, 1901–1902

detorsion of, 1895

hematomas of, 1897–1898

Henoch-Schönlein purpura and, 1899

hyperemia of, 1896

infarction of, 1895

newborn, 1888, 1889f

ovotestis and, 1891, 1891f

postpubertal, 1888–1890, 1889f

rete, tubular ectasia of, 1891–1892, 1892f

rupture of, 1897–1898, 1898f

smaller than normal, 1891

torsion of, 1870, 1892–1899, 1893f–1894f,

1894b, 1896b

undescended, right, 1890, 1890f

rete, 819

tubular ectasia of, 829–830, 830f, 1891–1892,


rupture of, 848, 850f

seminomas in, 823, 823f–824f

septula, 819, 820f

splenogonadal fusion and, 833

supernumerary, 838–839, 841f

torsion knot and, 844, 845f

trauma to, 847–851, 850f

tumors of, 822–834

choriocarcinoma as, 824, 825f, 1899

classiication of, 822b

embryonal carcinoma as, 823, 825f, 1899

endodermal sinus, 823–824, 825f, 1899

germ cell, 822–825, 822b, 825f–826f

gonadal stromal, 826, 827f

Leydig cell, 826, 827f

malignant, 822–826

markers of, 822

Testis(es) (Continued)

metastatic, 822b

mixed germ cell, 822–823, 822b, 825f

non-germ cell, 825–826

nonseminomatous germ cell, 822b, 823–824,


pediatric, 1899–1902

regressed germ cell, 824–825, 825f–826f

Sertoli cell, 826, 827f

sex cord-stromal, 825–826, 827f

stromal, 822, 822b

teratocarcinomas as, 1899

teratomas as, 823–824, 825f, 1899

yolk sac, 823–824, 825f

undescended, 851, 851f

dysplastic gonads and, 1899

in prune belly syndrome, 1361–1362

right, pediatric, 1890, 1890f

Testosterone, Leydig cells and secretion of, 819

Tethered cord, 1674

in diastematomyelia, 1236f

fetal cloacal exstrophy and, 1328

pediatric, 1678–1679, 1681f

spina biida occulta and, 1226

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 1288, 1288f

Tetraphocomelia, Roberts syndrome and, 1401

TGA. See Transposition of great arteries

TGC. See Time gain compensation

halamostriate vessels, mineralization of, 1203,



fetal, normal sonographic appearance of, 1168

neonatal/infant, sagittal imaging of, 1515,


vasculopathy of, neonatal/infant brain and,


α-halassemia, nonimmune hydrops from, 1423,


hanatophoric dysplasia

bowing of long bones in, 1381–1382

campomelic dysplasia diferentiated from,


cloverleaf-shaped skull and, 1136, 1137f, 1389f

craniosynostosis in, 1136–1138, 1137f

diagnosis of, 1376–1377

homozygous achondroplasia diferentiated from,

1389, 1389f

lethal skeletal dysplasia and, 1387–1390

megalencephaly associated with, 1194–1195

platyspondyly in, 1388–1389, 1390f

sonographic appearance of, 1380f

type 1, 1388–1389

type 2, 1388–1389, 1389f

hanatophoric skeletal dysplasia, cortical

malformations and, 1193–1194

heca externa, 1049

heca lutein cysts, 570, 572

pediatric, 1875

hecomas, ovarian, 585

helarche, pseudoprecocious puberty and, 1888

hermal efects, in ultrasound, 31. See also

Bioefects, thermal

obstetric, 1036–1038

hermal index (TI), 38–40, 38b

for bone, in late pregnancy, 1039

obstetric sonography duration as function of,

1035–1036, 1036f, 1042t

for sot tissue, in early pregnancy, 1039

tissue model of

with bone at focus, 39

with bone at surface, 39–40

homogeneous, 39

high grat, hemodialysis and, preoperative

mapping for, 1000, 1001f

horacentesis, pediatric, ultrasound-guided,


horacic ectopia cordis, 1295, 1296f

horacic kidney, 318

horacic outlet syndrome, in upper extremity

peripheral arteries, 976–977, 980f

horacoabdominal ectopia cordis, 1295

horacoabdominal schisis, 1401

horax, fetal

anomalies of, hydrops from, 1425–1427, 1427f

circumference and length of

gestational age correlated with, 1247t

pulmonary hypoplasia and, 1382, 1384f

circumference of, decreased

in hypophosphatasia, 1392

severe micromelia with, 1387t

echogenic lesions of, diferential diagnosis of,


horotrast, 123

hree-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound, 15, 16f

for breast lesions, 773

for fetal heart assessment, 1277

for fetal spine, 1216, 1221–1223

for neonatal/infant brain imaging, 1518

in placental volume assessment, 1466, 1468f

for prostate cancer, 406–407

for skeletal dysplasia evaluation, 1384, 1385f

for uterus, 529

hreshold level, for seeing gestational sac, 1056

hrill, from carotid stenosis, color Doppler,


hrombocytopenia, alloimmune, intracranial

hemorrhage and, 1206

hrombocytopenia–absent radius syndrome, 1401,


hrombophlebitis, ovarian vein, 589–590, 589f

hrombosis. See also Deep venous thrombosis

cerebral sinovenous, 1547–1548

dural sinus

fetal, 1205–1206, 1206f

neonatal/infant, 1585

hepatic artery, ater liver transplantation, 627,

628f, 631, 633f

hepatic vein, pediatric, suprahepatic portal

hypertension and, 1763, 1763f

IJV, 955–956, 956f–957f

central line placement causing, 1658, 1661f

of iliac veins, 459–460, 459f–461f

detection diiculties with, 988, 988f

of IVC, 459–460

ater liver transplantation, 636–637, 642f,

1766, 1769f–1770f

ovarian vein, 369, 589–590, 589f

ater pancreas transplantation, 677–678,


portal vein, 98, 99f–100f

chronic pancreatitis and, 232–233, 235f

from HCC, 120, 121f

ater liver transplantation, 635–636, 639f–640f,


malignant, 98, 99f

pediatric, 1757, 1757b

renal artery, ater renal transplantation, 653–655,


Doppler assessment of, pediatric, 1807–1809,


renal vein, 369, 370f

Doppler assessment of, pediatric, 1809

hyperechogenic kidneys and, 1351

pediatric, acute, Doppler assessment of,

1804–1805, 1804b, 1804f

ater renal transplantation, 658, 662f

round ligament, simulating groin hernia, 500,


Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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