Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1871


Tip of


H2O Vagina


H2O Vaginogram SAG


H2O Vaginogram TRV



H2O Vaginogram SAG

FIG. 54.1 Normal Hydrosonovaginography

in Prepubertal Female With Prior

Vaginal Rhabdomyosarcoma. (A) Sagittal

sonogram obtained during early illing of

the vagina with sterile water. The water

was hand-injected through a Foley catheter

with the balloon inlated outside the vaginal

introitus to prevent leakage. (B) and (C)

Transverse and sagittal sonograms, when

the vaginal vault is well distended, show

that the uterus is normal in size, echotexture,

and coniguration for a prepubertal

female. The bright speckles within the water

are caused by air.





FIG. 54.2 Water Enema Technique in 5-Year-Old Boy With

Appendiceal Abscess. Sagittal sonogram shows a small, hypoechoic

luid collection (arrows) located posterior to the bladder and anterior to

the water-illed rectum.

because these structures are illed in a retrograde manner. When

transabdominal sonography (TAS) provides suboptimal images

in mature, sexually active teenage girls, transvaginal ultrasound

(TVS) can provide higher resolution with more detailed images,

thus aiding in the elucidation of the origin and characteristics

of pelvic masses and complex adnexal lesions. 6,9

he wall of the urinary bladder should be smooth in a distended

state, with the wall thickness not greater than 3 mm

during bladder distention, with a mean of 1.5 mm. 10 he wall

should not be greater than 5 mm thick with the bladder empty

or partially distended. In the nondistended state the internal

aspect of the bladder wall generally appears slightly irregular

sonographically. A urachal remnant may be visualized on

sonography, as a structure of variable form and size, lying ventral

to the peritoneum and situated between the umbilicus and the

apex of the urinary bladder. 11 he distal ureters, with the exception

of the submucosal intravesical portion, are not usually visualized

unless abnormally dilated. 12 he trigone, however, is easily

demonstrated (Fig. 54.3). he bladder neck and urethra can be

demonstrated in both males and females by angling the transducer

inferiorly 13 (Fig. 54.4). If a urethral abnormality is noted on

suprapubic imaging, scans through the perineum or transrectally

can conirm these indings using a diferent imaging plane. 14

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