Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 51 The Pediatric Liver and Spleen 1759




FIG. 51.29 Splenic Varices and Splenorenal Shunt. (A)

Splenic varices in a patient with cirrhosis shown on longitudinal

gray-scale image of the left upper quadrant. (B) Color and

pulsed Doppler sonogram shows tortuous veins leaving the

spleen, with largest vessel (blue with Doppler gate) demonstrating

venous low toward the left kidney. (C) Color Doppler

image of this spontaneous splenorenal shunt shows low away

from the spleen toward the kidney.

autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. 78 he dilation

of renal collecting ducts in these children is variable and less

severe than in the neonatal form, and renal impairment is less

marked. However, renal architecture is greatly disturbed. he

pyramids are hyperechoic and may contain calcium; small cysts

may be seen; and the kidneys are usually enlarged. hese features

enable informed sonographers to ind the cause of upper intestinal

bleeding in these children during their irst abdominal


Intrahepatic Portal Hypertension

Serious insult to the hepatocyte results in necrosis. Unless necrosis

is overwhelming, scarring and the formation of multiple regenerating

nodules follow. he process of cirrhosis results in scarred

and obstructed sinusoids and abnormal portal venous blood

low through the regenerated nodules. In children, cirrhosis may

result from the following:

• Hepatitis

• Destruction of the hepatocyte by toxins accumulated in

inherited metabolic diseases, such as tyrosinemia, some forms

of glycogen storage disease, and Wilson disease

• Bile stasis, as in biliary atresia and cystic ibrosis

Although diferent types of cirrhosis cause initial obstruction

at presinusoidal (schistosomiasis, biliary cirrhosis), sinusoidal

(Laennec cirrhosis), and postsinusoidal levels, progressive scarring

usually spreads to the entire sinusoid. As intrahepatic portal

venous low stagnates, portosystemic collaterals open. Portal

blood low decreases. Total hepatic blood supply is usually

maintained by an increase of blood low in the hepatic artery.

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