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CHAPTER 13 Dynamic Ultrasound of Hernias of the Groin and Anterior Abdominal Wall 477

Hernia type−groin−coronal CT reformat

Semilunar line

Inferior epigastric



Internal inguinal

ring (indirect)

Conjoined tendon


Femoral canal


Groin = ilioinguinal crease

FIG. 13.10 Locations of Four Types of “Groin” Hernias. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography (CT) image, reformatted in coronal

plane. Indirect inguinal hernias arise within the internal or deep inguinal ring, which lies in the crotch between the external iliac artery and the

proximal inferior epigastric artery. Direct inguinal hernias arise through the “conjoined tendon,” which lies inferior and medial to the origin of the

inferior epigastric artery. Spigelian hernias arise through the spigelian fascia just lateral to the inferior epigastric artery, where it reaches the lateral

margin of the rectus muscle. Femoral hernias lie within the femoral canal, inferior to the inguinal canal and inguinal ligament.

or incomplete closure of the inguinal canal. hus indirect inguinal

hernias are more common in males. However, delayed or

incomplete closure of the canal of Nuck can occur in females.

he neck of an indirect inguinal hernia is the segment that lies

within the internal inguinal ring, and the fundus lies within the

inguinal canal (Fig. 13.11). he neck (internal inguinal ring) lies

just superior and lateral to the IEA’s origin and tends to be oriented

in an AP direction, whereas the fundus (inguinal canal) is oriented

horizontally and courses inferiorly and medially, passing supericial

to the IEA’s origin he fundus of an indirect inguinal hernia

lies anterior and lateral to the spermatic cord in males and the

round ligament in females (Fig. 13.12). In the short axis, the

internal inguinal ring and the neck of the indirect inguinal hernia

lie between the external iliac artery along its lateral side and the

IEA along its medial side.

In the long axis, indirect inguinal hernias can have two

appearances: sliding and nonsliding. he sliding type of indirect

inguinal hernia has a relatively wide neck compared with the

fundus, with loss of the angle between the neck and fundus. It

is usually reducible and is more likely to contain bowel and other

intraperitoneal contents. he nonsliding type has a relatively

narrower neck compared with the fundus and maintains the

almost 90-degree angle between the neck and fundus (Fig. 13.13).

Nonsliding hernias usually contain only properitoneal fat and

are nonreducible, and may be misclassiied as “spermatic cord

lipoma” or “inguinal canal lipoma” at surgery. True spermatic

Epigastric vessels

Internal inguinal ring

Hesselbach triangle

FIG. 13.11 Indirect Inguinal Hernia. Diagram of the deep aspect

of the anterior abdominal wall depicting a left indirect inguinal hernia.

The hernia sac protrudes through the internal inguinal ring, located lateral

to the epigastric vessels. Note the Hesselbach triangle, located medial

and inferior to the epigastric vessels. (Reproduced with permission from

Granja M, Rivero O, Aguirre D. Abdominal wall hernias. In: Sahani DV,

Samir AE, editors. Abdominal imaging. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier;

2017:1014-1025. 43 )

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