Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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932 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography






FIG. 26.23 Near Occlusion (95%-99% Stenosis) With

Homogeneous Plaque. (A) Transverse and (B) sagittal gray-scale

images of the left ICA demonstrate homogeneous (type 3) plaque.

(C) Transverse and (D) sagittal power Doppler images demonstrate

extremely narrowed residual lumen. (E) Velocity measurements

for the ICA were peak systolic velocity, 51 cm/sec; acoustic Doppler

velocity, 19 cm/sec; systolic velocity ratio, 51/64 = 0.8; diastolic

velocity ratio, 19/12 = 1.5. The combination of visual images and

Doppler spectral analysis indings indicates a 95% to 99%


institution uses Table 26.2, which has a category for 80% to 95%

stenoses; our surgeons are more inclined to consider surgery for

patients with asymptomatic stenoses greater than 80% than for

those with less severe stenoses. 45,123

he ICA values should be obtained at or just distal to the

point of maximum visible stenosis and at the point of greatest

color Doppler spectral abnormality. Values from the CCA should

be obtained 2 cm proximal to the widening in the region of the

carotid bulb. Because velocities normally decrease from proximal

to distal in the CCA and increase from proximal to distal in the

ICA, it is important that standardized levels be used routinely

for obtaining the ICA/CCA velocity ratio.

Color Doppler Ultrasound

Color Doppler ultrasound displays blood low information in

real time over the entire image or a selected area. Stationary sot

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