Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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AA anastomoses. See Arterial/arterial anastomoses

AAA. See Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Aase syndrome, 1401

Abciximab, 598

Abdomen. See also Acute abdomen

abscess of, drainage of, 612, 613f

blunt trauma to, small bowel obstruction from,


calciications of, meconium peritonitis and,

1313, 1314f

ectopic pregnancy implantation in, 1074, 1075f


circumference of, in gestational age

determination, 1448, 1450f

circumference of, in second-trimester, 1023f

musculature of, absent, in prune belly

syndrome, 1361–1362

routine sonographic views of, 1021, 1026f

lymphangiomas of, pediatric, 1862, 1864f

pediatric, systemic veins of, low patterns in,


Abdominal aorta. See also Iliac veins; Inferior vena

cava; Mesenteric artery(ies); Renal


anatomy of, 433, 433f

dilation of, 439–441

aneurysm causing, 433–439

aortic ectasia causing, 440

arteriomegaly causing, 440

inlammatory AAAs causing, 439–440, 443f

penetrating ulcer causing, 441, 444f

pseudoaneurysm causing, 441

diseases of, 445–464

dissection complications with, renal artery

stenosis and, 447, 448f

endovascular aortic repair for ruptured, 438

stenotic disease of, 441–445, 445f

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 433–439

deinition of, 433–434, 434f

endoleaks ater repair of, 438–439, 440f–442f

inlammatory, 439–440, 443f

medical therapy for, 434

mortality from, 433

natural history of, 434

pathophysiology of, 434

postoperative ultrasound assessment for,

438–439, 440f–442f

rupture of, evaluation of, ultrasound compared

to CT for, 438, 439f

screening for, 434–435

CT in, 437

false-positive/false-negative results in,

437f–438f, 438

recent studies in, 434–435

ultrasound approach to, 435

Page numbers followed by f indicate igures; t, tables;

b, boxes.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) (Continued)

surveillance of, 435–437

CT in, 437

sonographic technique for, 436–437,


treatment planning for, 438

Abdominal cervical cerclage, 1506, 1506f

Abdominal ectopia cordis, 1295

Abdominal ectopic pregnancy, 1074, 1075f

Abdominal wall

defects in, thickened NT in, 1095–1096

hernias of anterior, dynamic ultrasound of

contents of, 472–473

entities stimulating, 500–501, 502f

maneuvers for, 473–474, 474f–475f

technical requirements for, 471

types of, 471, 471f

ventral, 488–494

Abdominal wall, fetal, 1322–1330

amniotic band syndrome and, 1330, 1330f

bladder exstrophy and, 1326, 1328f

body stalk anomaly and, 1329

cloacal exstrophy and, 1328–1329, 1329f

ectopia cordis and, 1329, 1329f

embryology of, 1322, 1323f

gastroschisis and, 1322–1325

associated conditions of, 1324–1325

epidemiology of, 1322–1323

management of, 1325

pathogenesis of, 1323

prenatal diagnosis of, 1323–1324, 1324f

maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and defects of,


omphalocele and, 1325–1326, 1326f

associated conditions with, 1325, 1327f

epidemiology of, 1325

management of, 1325–1326

prenatal diagnosis of, 1325, 1327f

pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

Abductor tendon, injection for, 905–907, 907f

Ablation. See also Ethanol ablation

adrenal, 428

endometrial, 551–552, 552f


abdominal, drainage of, 612

adrenal, bacterial, 423

amebic liver, 613

appendiceal, pediatric, 1871f

hemorrhagic ovarian cyst diferentiated from,


branchial sinus, type IV, 1643–1645, 1645f, 1651,


breast, 803–804, 803f–804f

cellulitis leading to, 874, 874f

complicated lymphadenitis with, in children,

1634, 1658–1660

costochondral junction, pediatric, aspiration and

drainage of, 1963f

in Crohn disease, 275–276, 278f–279f

empyemas diferentiated from, pediatric, 1725,


enteric, 612

Abscess(es) (Continued)

gastrointestinal, 592

hydatid, 613

of kidneys

acute pyelonephritis and, 325, 325f

drainage of, 617, 618f

pediatric, complicating acute pyelonephritis,


transplantation complications with, 651,



drainage of pyogenic, 612–613, 614f–615f

ater liver transplantation, 638–639, 646f

pyogenic, 85–86, 87f

liver, pediatric, 1746–1748

parasitic, 1747–1748

pyogenic, 1746–1747, 1751f

lung, pediatric, 1711, 1713f

pancreatic, acute pancreatitis complications

with, 230

parenchymal, pediatric renal transplantation

and, 1812

parotid, pediatric, 1632–1633, 1633f

pediatric drainage of, interventional sonography

for, 1953

transrectal, 1953–1954, 1954f

pelvic, 283, 591

drainage of, 612, 613f

percutaneous needle biopsy complications with,

609, 610f

perforated appendicitis and, pediatric, 1857,


perianal, perianal inlammatory disease and,



acute pyelonephritis and, 325

pediatric renal transplantation and, 1812

ater renal transplantation, 664–665

perinephric luid collections and, 1809

peritonitis and, 517, 520f

prostate, 389, 390f, 392

splenic, 148, 151f

drainage of, 617

pediatric, 1769

stitch, ater herniorrhaphy, 494–496, 495f

subphrenic, 1716

testicular, 831–832, 831f

tubo-ovarian, in pelvic inlammatory disease,

588–589, 588f

ABUS. See Automated whole-breast ultrasound

ACA. See Anterior cerebral artery

Acalculous cholecystitis, 200

Acardiac twins, hydrops and, 1429

ACAS. See Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis


Accessory and cavitated uterine mass (ACUM),


Accessory arteries, 445–446

Accessory lobes, of placenta, 1480–1481,


Accessory spleen, 158–159, 160f, 1771f

Acetabular dysplasia, familial, 1921

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968


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