Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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820 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography




FIG. 22.2 Normal Intrascrotal Anatomy. Longitudinal scans show (A) normal homogeneous echotexture of the testis; (B) striated appearance

of the septula testis; (C) mediastinum testis (arrow) as a linear echogenic band of ibrofatty tissue; (D) head (white arrow) and body (black arrow)

of epididymis; (E) hydrocele (H) and appendix testis (arrow); and (F) appendages of epididymis (arrows). (G) Color Doppler scan shows normal

testicular arteries. (H) Transverse scan shows hypoechoic band of transmediastinal artery (arrow). (I) Color Doppler scan shows transmediastinal


of a head, a body, and a tail. he pyramid-shaped epididymal

head, or globus major, is located at the superoposterior aspect

of the testis, measuring 5 to 12 mm in diameter (Fig. 22.2D). It

is formed by the eferent ductules from the rete testis, which

join together to form a single convoluted duct, the ductus

epididymis. his duct forms the body and the majority of the

tail of the epididymis, measures approximately 6 m in length

and follows a convoluted course from the head to the tail of the

epididymis. he body (corpus) of the epididymis lies adjacent

to the posterolateral margin of the testis. he tail (globus minor)

is loosely attached to the lower pole of the testis by areolar tissue.

he ductus epididymis forms an acute angle at the inferior aspect

of the globus minor and courses cephalad as the vas deferens

to the spermatic cord. Sonographically, the epididymal head is

normally isoechogenic or slightly more echogenic than the testis,

and its echotexture may be coarser. he body tends to be isoechoic

or slightly less echogenic than the globus major and testis. he

normal body measures less than 4 mm in diameter, averaging

1 to 2 mm.

he appendix testis, a remnant of the upper end of the

paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct, is a small ovoid structure

usually located on the superior pole of the testis or in the groove

between the testis and the head of the epididymis. he appendix

testis is identiied sonographically in 80% of testes and is more

readily visible when a hydrocele is present 7 (Fig. 22.2E). he

appendix testis may appear stalklike and pedunculated, cystic,

or even calciied. 8 he appendices of the epididymis are blindending

tubules (vasa aberrantia) derived from the mesonephric

(Wolian) duct; they form small stalks, which may be duplicated,

and project from the epididymis 9 (Fig. 22.2F). In rare cases,

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