Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-33

Internal jugular vein (IJV)

acute DVT of, 994f

anatomy of, 990–991, 990f

as cerebral blood vessel, 955–956

monophasic venous waveforms of, stenosis and,

1006, 1009f

phlebectasia of, 1658, 1660f

sonographic technique for, 955, 955f

thrombosis of, 955–956, 956f–957f

central line placement causing, 1658, 1661f

ultrasound examination for, 991, 991f

Internal oblique aponeurosis, torn, in spigelian

hernia, 483–484, 487f

Internal urethral sphincter, 384

International Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics

and Gynecology (ISUOG), 1041

Interphalangeal joint, injection of, short-axis

approach to, 901

Intersegmental laminar fusion, pediatric, 1688

Interstitial ectopic pregnancy, 1073, 1074f

Interstitial line sign, 1073

Interventional sonography, pediatric

for abscess drainage, 1953

appendiceal, 1956, 1960f

transrectal, 1953–1954, 1954f

anatomy for, 1950

colon or bowel and, 1950

diaphragm and, 1950, 1950f

antibiotics for, 1951

for biopsy

devices for, 1950

mediastinal mass, 1956, 1959f

targeted organ lesion, 1961, 1961f–1962f

central venous access for, 1954

Chiba needle for, 1948

color Doppler ultrasound and, 1945

CT and, 1943, 1943t

for deep foreign body removal, 1961, 1965f

drainage catheters for, 1948

equipment for, 1943

freehand, 1945–1947

correcting needle angle in, 1947, 1949f

correcting of-target needle in, 1947

initial needle placement and localization in,

1945–1946, 1945f–1946f

locating needle ater insertion in, 1946–1947,


mechanical guides compared to, 1945

training aids for, 1947

guidance methods in, 1943, 1943t

for head lesions, 1961, 1966f

initial puncture device for, 1949–1950

local anesthetic technique for, 1951, 1952f

multimodality interventional suites for, 1943,


for musculoskeletal procedures, 1961, 1963f–1964f

for neck lesions, 1961, 1967f

one compared to two operators for, 1943–1945

patient and, 1942–1943

for percutaneous cholangiography and drainage,

1956, 1959f

for peritoneal drainage, 1954–1956, 1958f

personnel for, 1943

for PICC, 1954, 1955f–1957f

for pleural drainage, 1954–1956, 1958f

principles of, 1942–1943

sedation for, 1950–1951

for steroid injection, 1961, 1964f

transducers in, 1943

locating needle ater insertion and, 1946–

1947, 1947f

typical procedures for, 1951–1953

aims and expectations in, 1952–1953

coagulation studies in, 1952

Interventional sonography, pediatric (Continued)

diicult catheter ixation for, in infants, 1953

initial ultrasound in, before sedation, 1953

postprocedural care and follow-up in, 1953

prior consultation and studies in, 1951–1952

Interventricular septum, viewed from right

ventricle, 1283f

Intervillous spaces, 1465–1466

blood low in, 1467–1468, 1468f

Intestinal hematomas, small bowel obstruction

from, 1843

Intestinal inlammatory disease, pediatric,

1848–1862. See also Appendicitis,


appendicitis as, 1855–1860, 1857b, 1858f–1862f

ascariasis and, 1853, 1853f

Crohn disease and, 1853, 1854f

grat-versus-host disease and, 1853–1854, 1855f

Henoch-Schönlein purpura and, 1853, 1855f

HUS and, 1851f, 1853–1854

mucosal, 1851, 1851f

NEC and, 1854–1855, 1855b, 1856f

transmural, 1851, 1852f

Intestinal malrotation

with midgut volvulus, 1841–1842, 1843f–1844f

midline stomach and, 1307

Intestinal wall thickening, pediatric, causes of,

1851, 1851b, 1851f–1852f, 1853–1854,


Intestine(s), acoustic cavitation in, 43. See also

Bowel; Gastrointestinal tract

Intima-media complex, in carotid wall, 918–919,


Intima-media thickness, atherosclerotic disease

and, 918–919

Intraamniotic bleeding, fetal echogenic bowel and,


Intraatrial septum, embryologic development of,


Intracardiac focus, echogenic, in trisomy 21, 1100f,


Intracranial hemorrhage

fetal, 1206, 1207f

neonatal/infant brain and, duplex Doppler

sonography of, 1580–1581, 1584f

Intracranial pressure, increased, vasospasm

diferentiated from, 1609–1610

Intracranial tumors, neonatal/infant brain and,

duplex Doppler sonography of, 1585,


Intradecidual sac sign, 1054, 1055f

Intraductal intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, 185,


Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN),

245–247, 245f–246f

Intradural lipomas, pediatric, 1686, 1687f

Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, 184–185, 186f

intraductal, 185, 186f–187f

Intrahepatic stones, in biliary tree, 173, 173f

Intramedullary lipoma, 1686

Intramural sinus tract, in Crohn disease, 269, 274f

Intraoperative ultrasound

for adrenal glands, 429

for liver, 133

Intraparenchymal hematomas, 638

Intraparenchymal hemorrhage

IUFD and, 1124f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1547–1548,


Intraperitoneal gas, free, in acute abdomen,

277–281, 282f

Intraperitoneal stomach, 218–219, 220f

Intrasubstance rotator cuf tears, 888, 890f

Intratesticular artery, 821, 821f

Intratesticular cysts, 829, 830f

Intratesticular variocele, pediatric, 1891–1892

Intratesticular vessels, pediatric, 1888

Intrauterine devices (IUDs), 529

PID and, 587

uterine sonographic techniques and, 552–554,


Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), 1123–1125, 1124f

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), 1062

from CMV, 1204

diagnosis of, 1455

fetal monitoring in, 1455

in Miller-Dieker syndrome, 1195

multifetal pregnancy morbidity and mortality

and, 1119–1123

ossiication delayed in, 1091

risk factors for, 1455–1460

fetal and placental, 1456b

maternal, 1456b

with spina biida, 1233

in triploidy, 1105f

in trisomy 18, 1077

Intrauterine pregnancy, 1052–1053

Intravaginal torsion, 844, 844f

Intravascular ultrasound, in plaque

characterization, 943

Intravenous Doppler contrast agents, 1749–1750

Intravenous ultrasound contrast agents, 1746

Intraventricular hemorrhage

from germinal matrix hemorrhage, 1541

neonatal/infant brain and, 1544–1545,

1544f–1546f, 1545b

with hydrocephalus, 1545–1547, 1546f–1547f

signs of, 1545b


MBO from, 293, 296f

pediatric, 1843–1847

Doppler ultrasound for, 1849f

false-positive, 1843, 1846f

Henoch-Schönlein purpura complicated with,


ileocolic, 1847f–1848f

small bowel, 1844–1845, 1849f

sonographic signs of, 1843b

Invasive ibrous thyroiditis, 727–728, 728f

Invasive mole persistent trophoblastic neoplasia,

1080, 1081f

Iodine, deiciency of, thyroid hyperplasia from, 695

IPMN. See Intraductal papillary mucinous


Irradiation, microcephaly from, 1194

Ischemic bowel disease, 297

Ischemic stricture, renal transplantation and, 1811

Ischemic-thrombotic damage, thick placenta in,


Ischium, in sonogram of hip from transverse/

lexion view, 1927, 1928f

Isolated ventriculomegaly (IVM), 1176

Isomerism, let atrial, AVSD and, 1284

Isthmus, 565, 692

ISUOG. See International Society for Ultrasound

in Obstetrics and Gynecology

IUDs. See Intrauterine devices

IUFD. See Intrauterine fetal death

IUGR. See Intrauterine growth restriction

IVC. See Inferior vena cava

Ivemark syndrome, 1292

IVF. See in vitro fertilization

IVM. See Isolated ventriculomegaly



neonatal, 1734–1740

Alagille syndrome and, 1737

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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