Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-61

Umbilical cord, 1481–1487

abnormalities of, in monochorionic twins, 1119

appearance of, 1481–1484

cysts of, 1483, 1483f

sonographic appearance of, 1061, 1061f

in trisomy 18, 1103f

diameter of, 1482

edematous, 1484f

entangled, chorionicity and, 1119, 1121f

excessive length of, 1481

fetal, amniotic band syndrome and, 1330

funic presentation of, 1485–1487, 1489f

hemangiomas of, 1483

insertion of

marginal, 1484–1485, 1487f

into placenta, 1484, 1485f

velamentous, 1119, 1122f, 1484–1485, 1486f

knots of, true, 1482–1483

normal sonographic appearance of, 1059–1061

nuchal, 1483–1484

prolapse of, fetal hydrops and, 1436

pseudocysts of, 1483, 1484f

routine sonographic views of, 1021, 1029f

short, 1481

size of, 1481–1484

tumors of, 1483

twisting of, 1482

absent, 1482, 1482f

vasa previa and, 1485–1487, 1488f–1489f

Umbilical hernias, 491–492, 492f–493f

Umbilical veins, 1059

pediatric, recanalized, in portal hypertension,


Uncinate process, pancreatic head and, 212,


Undescended testis, 851, 851f

right, pediatric, 1890, 1890f

Unfused amnion, 1057

Unicornuate uterus, 536f–537f, 538, 1881

United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian

Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS), 578

Univentricular heart, 1287–1288, 1287f

UPJ obstruction. See Ureteropelvic junction


Upright positioning, for dynamic ultrasound of

hernias, 474

Urachal sinus, pediatric, 1907–1908, 1909f

Urachus, 1337f, 1338

adenocarcinomas of, 355

in bladder development, 311, 312f

cysts of, 322, 323f

ovarian cysts diferentiated from, 1369

pediatric, 1907–1908, 1909f

pediatric hydronephrosis and, 1791,


pediatric ovarian cysts diferentiated from,


diverticula of, 322, 323f

pediatric, 1907–1908, 1909f

patent, 322

pediatric, 1791


cysts of, 1907–1908, 1909f

diverticula of, 1907–1908, 1909f

patent, 1907–1908, 1909f

remnant of, normal, 1871

sinus of, 1791

sinus of, 322, 323f

pediatric, 1791

Ureteral bud

congenital anomalies related to, 318–321

congenital megacalices and, 321

congenital megaureter and, 321, 322f

duplex collecting system and, 319, 320f

Ureteral bud (Continued)

renal agenesis and, 318–319

supernumerary kidneys and, 319

UPJ obstruction and, 321, 321f

ureteroceles and, 310, 319, 321f

in kidney development, 311, 312f

Ureteral jets, color Doppler ultrasound for, 1781f

Ureteral relux, bladder augmentation and,


Ureteral reimplantation, pediatric, 1912, 1913f

Ureteric bud, 1336–1338

Ureteric jets, pediatric, 1781f, 1906–1907


congenital anomalies related to, 310, 319, 321f

fetal, in duplication anomalies, 1359–1360,

1359f, 1360b


in duplication anomalies, 1783–1784, 1784f

ectopic, 1904–1905, 1905f

Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, 318

congenital anomalies related to, 321, 321f


hydronephrosis from, 1358, 1358f

perirenal urinomas from, 1358, 1358f

pediatric, hydronephrosis and, 1786, 1787f

VUR with, 1360

Ureterovesical junction obstruction, pediatric,

1906–1907, 1907f


adenocarcinoma of, 348

anastomosis of, in renal transplantation, 643,


anatomy of, 313f, 314

atretic, with MCDK, 1346

calculi in, 325, 325f, 337–338, 338f–339f

bladder augmentation and, 1912–1913

complicating renal transplantation, 659–660,


congenital megaureter and, 321, 322f

development of, 311, 312f

distal, dilated, 592

lymphomas of, 353

metastases to, 354

obstruction of, renal transplantation

complications from, 659–660, 663f–664f

pediatric, 1906–1907, 1907f–1908f

duplication of, 1783–1784, 1784f, 1904–1905

ectopic, 1904–1905

ectopic insertion of, hydronephrosis and,


obstruction of, hydronephrosis and,

1786–1788, 1787f

reimplantation of, 1912, 1913f

retrocaval, 322

sonographic technique for, 314

squamous cell carcinoma of, 348

transitional cell carcinoma of, 347

trauma to, 366


development of, 311

congenital anomalies of, 323, 323f

diverticula of, 323, 323f


atresia, lower urinary tract obstruction from,

1361, 1361f

megalourethra and atresia of, 1362

obstruction of, renal pelvic dilation and,



diverticulum of, anterior, bladder outlet

obstruction from, 1906

duplication of, bladder outlet obstruction

from, 1906

normal, 1872f

Urethra (Continued)

polyp of, posterior, bladder outlet obstruction

from, 1906, 1906f

sonographic technique for, 315, 316f

Urethral valve(s)

anterior, pediatric, bladder outlet obstruction

from, 1906


lower urinary tract obstruction from, 1361,


megalourethra and, 1362


hydronephrosis and, 1788, 1789f

posterior, 1905–1906, 1906f

Urinary diversion, evaluation ater, 375, 375f

Urinary stasis, pediatric, 1799, 1800f

Urinary tract

congenital anomalies of, 1336

dilation of, in trisomy 21, 1100f, 1101

echinococcal disease of, 331, 332f

LUTS and, 387–388

masses of, 592

obstruction of, 387–388

schistosomiasis of, 331

tuberculosis of, 329–330, 330f

Urinary tract, fetal. See also Hydronephrosis

abnormalities of, 1340–1366

bilateral renal agenesis as, 1342–1344,

1343f–1344f, 1344b

characterizing, 1341

evaluation of, 1342b

horseshoe kidney as, 1345–1346, 1345f

MRI for diagnosing, 1342, 1342f

prenatal diagnosis of, 1340, 1340b

prevalence of, 1340

renal cystic disease as, 1346–1352 (See also

Kidneys, fetal, cystic disease of)

renal ectopia as, 1344–1345, 1344f–1345f

unilateral renal agenesis as, 1344

embryology of, 1336–1338, 1337f

lower, obstruction of, 1360–1363

cloacal malformation and, 1363, 1363f

cystoscopy for, 1363–1365

hydrops from, 1428, 1429f

from megacystis, 1360, 1360b, 1360f

from megalourethra, 1362, 1362f

MMIHS and, 1362–1363

from posterior urethral valves, 1361,


from prune belly syndrome, 1361–1362

from urethral atresia, 1361, 1361f

in utero intervention for, 1363–1365, 1364f,


vesicoamniotic shunts for, 1363–1365, 1364f,


normal, 1336–1340

sonographic appearance of, 1338–1339, 1338f

upper, dilation of, 1354–1360, 1354f–1355f,

1356t, 1357f

duplication anomalies and, 1359–1360, 1359f,


management of, 1356–1358

UPJ obstruction and, 1358, 1358f

vesicoureteral junction obstruction and,


VUR and, 1360

Urinary tract, pediatric. See also Bladder, pediatric;

Kidneys, pediatric

calciication of, 1798–1801

cortical nephrocalcinosis and, 1798, 1798b,


dystrophic, 1799

medullary nephrocalcinosis of, 1798–1799,


Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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