Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1736 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 51.6 Choledochal Cyst Type I in Infant With Jaundice. (A) Transverse sonogram. A large cyst that is the greatly dilated common bile

duct is visible entering the pancreatic head. (B) Intraoperative cholangiogram shows injection of the gallbladder and illing of the choledochal cyst




FIG. 51.7 Biliary Ductal Dilation. (A) Caroli disease, type V choledochal cyst. Longitudinal color Doppler image of the left lobe of the liver

shows saccular dilation of bile ducts with thickened echogenic walls and few vessels in the deeper aspect of the liver. Cholangitis, caused by

obstruction of the bile ducts or by ascending infection, leads to dilation of the intrahepatic and common bile ducts. (B) Central bile duct dilation on

transverse sonogram in a different patient, with concentric smooth dilation of main intrahepatic duct (arrowhead) caused by distal common bile


is used to document bile low into the cyst, and percutaneous

cholecystography/cholangiography or endoscopic retrograde

cholangiopancreatography is performed if detailed mapping of

the bile system is deemed necessary before surgery.

Caroli disease (type V choledochal cyst) consists of nonobstructive

dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts 8,9 and is oten

associated with congenital hepatic ibrosis and autosomal recessive

polycystic kidney disease. 10 he disease is caused by the arrest of

or derangement in embryologic remodeling of ducts, resulting

in segmental dilation. Patients tend to seek medical attention

later than with other types of choledochal cysts, usually ater

cholangitis and stones have formed in childhood (Fig. 51.7). At

sonography, Caroli disease has dilated ducts surrounding branches

of the portal vein. 9 Sludge and stones are oten visible within

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