Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 53 The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract 1851

conditions, including Crohn disease, 87,88 ulcerative colitis, 88

pseudomembranous colitis, 89,90 neutropenic colitis (typhlitis), 91

infectious colitis, 92-94 allergic colitis, 95 Kawasaki disease, 96 necrotizing

enterocolitis (NEC), 97 hemolytic uremic syndrome, 98 gratversus-host

disease, 99,100 glycogen storage disease type 1B, 101 and

chronic granulomatous disease of childhood.

Causes of Intestinal Wall Thickening

Inlammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease or regional

enteritis, ulcerative colitis)

Yersinia, Campylobacter ileocolitis


Perforated appendicitis


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection


Chronic granulomatous disease

Eosinophilic enteritis

Hematoma (Henoch-Schönlein purpura, trauma)

Hemolytic uremic syndrome

Graft-versus-host disease



Benign tumor

Tuberculosis (rare)

Celiac disease

Sonography can sometimes diferentiate mucosal from

transmural inlammation. If the inlammatory process involves

primarily the mucosa (e.g., ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous

colitis, typhlitis), the inner echogenic mucosal layer becomes

thickened and sometimes nodular or irregular, but the outer

muscular layer of the wall remains thin (Fig. 53.32). When the

inlammation involves the entire intestinal wall (e.g., regional

enteritis), thickening of the entire wall is seen (Fig. 53.33). Color

Doppler sonography demonstrates increased blood low to the

thickened intestinal loops with most inlammatory bowel conditions,

with the submucosa containing the main vascular channels

102 (Fig. 53.34). Hypovascularity is more typical in hemolytic

uremic syndrome. 98 Normal bowel wall also shows little signal

with color or power Doppler imaging.

For elective procedures, patients should avoid eating solid

foods for 4 hours before the examination, but noncarbonated

liquids are encouraged to help displace bowel gas and

partially ill the urinary bladder to displace small bowel

from the pelvis. Compression techniques to displace bowel

gas are well established for the evaluation of the cecum and

appendix, ascending colon, descending colon, rectosigmoid

colon, and small bowel loops in the let upper quadrant and

right lower and let lower quadrants. Normal small bowel wall

thickness is less than 2.5 mm and less than 2 mm for large

bowel. 103 Wall thickness of greater than 3 mm is considered

abnormal for the colon. 104 Stratiication of wall layers is well

depicted in normal small and large bowel. Loss of stratiication





FIG. 53.32 Inlammatory Disease: Mucosal

Thickening. (A) Infectious gastroenteritis. Mild

mucosal thickening is present in luid-illed bowel

loops. A few enlarged lymph nodes are present

in the mesentery (arrows). (B) Pseudomembranous

colitis. Marked colonic mucosal thickening.

(C) Marked mucosal thickening in a child with

Salmonella colitis. (D) Hemolytic uremic

syndrome. Greatly thickened hypoechoic colonic


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