Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-29

Hernia(s). See also Diaphragmatic hernia

Amyand, 472–473, 473f

anterior abdominal wall, dynamic ultrasound of

contents of, 472–473

entities stimulating, 500–501, 502f

maneuvers for, 473–474, 474f–475f

technical requirements for, 471

types of, 471, 471f

ventral, 488–494

bilateral, 1262

Bochdalek, 1258

complications of, 496–499

congenital diaphragmatic, 1248t

direct inguinal

in athletes, 485–486

bilateral, 480–481, 484f

characteristics of, 479–481

classiication of, 475

conjoined tendon insuiciency and, 479–481,


incidence of, 479–480, 482f

key indings with, 476t

location of, 474–475, 476f–477f

dynamic maneuvers for imaging of, 473–474,


femoral, 471

characteristics of, 481–483

diagnostic accuracy with, 481

with inguinal hernia, 493–494, 495f

key indings with, 476t

key sonographic landmarks of, 474–475, 477f

locations of, 482, 485f

strangulated, 500f

Teale, 482, 485f

Valsalva maneuver and, 472f, 483

forearm muscle, 859f

groin, dynamic ultrasound of

contents of, 472–473

entities stimulating, 499–500, 501f

key sonographic landmarks for, 474

maneuvers for, 473–474, 474f–475f

recurrent, 494–496

report for, 471–472

technical requirements for, 471

at Hesselbach triangle, inferior aspect, 476t

hiatal, sonographic appearance of, 1834, 1834f

incarcerated, 496–497

incisional, 492–493, 494f

indirect inguinal

Canal of Nuck delayed closure from, 476–477,


characteristics of, 476–479

classiication of, 475

inferior epigastric artery relationship to,

476–477, 478f

key indings with, 476t

location of, 474–475, 476f–477f

nonsliding, 477–478, 478f

pediatric, 1902

round ligaments relationship to, 476–479,


into scrotum, 478–479, 482f

sliding, 477–478, 478f

spermatic cord relationship to, 476–479, 479f,


inguinal, 471, 475–488

Amyand, 472–473, 473f

bowel-containing, 472–473, 473f

classiication of, 475

dynamic ultrasound of, Valsalva maneuver

for, 473, 474f, 483

with femoral hernia, 493–494, 495f

luid-containing, 472–473, 473f

indirect, 472f

Hernia(s) (Continued)

key sonographic landmarks of, 474–475,


pediatric, 1899, 1902, 1902f

types of, 476t

linea alba, 488–491

diagnosing, 490

diastasis recti abdominis and, 489–490, 489f

epigastric, 488–491, 490f–491f

hypogastric, 488–489, 491, 491f

periumbilical, 492, 494f

spectrum of appearances of, 489, 489f

strangulated, 499f

of liver, 80

Morgagni, 1258, 1718f

multiple, 493–494, 495f

obstructed, 496–497

of omentum, 1902

pantaloon, 493–494, 495f

paraumbilical, 492

pericardial, 1258, 1262


linea alba, 492, 494f

strangulated, 500f

repair of

mesh in, sonography and, 496, 497f–498f

pain ater, 494–496, 495f

spiral clips in, pain from, 497, 498f

scrotal, 836, 836f

pediatric, 1902

shape of, complication potential and, 497,


spigelian, 471

characteristics of, 483–484

key indings with, 476t

key sonographic landmarks of, 474–475,


location of, 483, 486f

shape in, 483–484, 487f

strangulated, 483–484, 488f

torn aponeurosis and abdominis tendon in,

483–484, 487f

sports, 484–488, 488f–489f


femoral, 500f

indings in, 498–499, 499t

linea alba, 499f

periumbilical, 500f

spigelian, 483–484, 488f

umbilical, 491–492, 492f–493f

ventral, 488–494


midgut, physiologic, in embryo, 1077, 1077f,

1322, 1323f

omphalocele confused with, 1325, 1327f

of thymus, superior, 1723

Herniorrhaphy, 470–471

Herpes simplex virus


hepatitis from, 1739f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1560


brain development and, 1204

hydrops from, 1432

Hertz, deinition of, 2

Hesselbach triangle, herniation at inferior aspect

of, 476t

Heterotaxy syndrome, right-sided stomach and,

1307, 1309f

Heterotopia, 1196, 1199f

Heterotopic gestation, 1070–1071, 1072f

Heterozygous achondroplasia, 1396–1398, 1398f

detection of, gestational age for, 1381

inheritance pattern for, 1379–1380

Hiatal hernias, sonographic appearance of, 1834,


HIFU. See High-intensity focused ultrasound

High pass ilters, 29, 30f

Higher harmonics, 58–59

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), 31–33,


for prostate cancer, 400

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART),


High-velocity jets, color Doppler, in carotid

stenosis, 926, 926f, 933

aliasing, 933

HII. See Hypoxic ischemic injury

Hilar cholangiocarcinoma, 185–188

CEUS assessment of, 188, 191f

criteria for unresectable, 187b

Doppler ultrasound assessment for, 187–188,


treatment and staging for, 186–187

tumor growth patterns in, 186

Hindgut, 1304–1305


dislocated, campomelic dysplasia and, 1395

fetal, dislocation of, spina biida and, 1233

injection of, 900f, 901–902

Hip(s), pediatric. See also Developmental

dislocation and dysplasia of hip

atypical, 1932, 1933f

capsule of, echogenic, 1923

DDH and, 1920–1930

dislocation of

deinition of, 1923

teratologic, 1932

joint efusion in, 1930–1932, 1931f

nondevelopmental dysplasia abnormalities of,


normal, 1923

painful, 1930–1932

sonography of, indications for, 1922b

stability of

in evaluation of infant at risk, 1927

tests determining, 1923

subluxation of, 1923

Hirschsprung disease, 1312, 1312f

neuroblastoma with, pediatric, 1825


Langerhans cell

in infant, 1751f

metastasis of, to testes, 1901

sinus, metastasis of, to testes, 1901

Histogenesis, 1524, 1525b

Histopathologists, deinition of, 600


adrenal glands in, 423

pediatric, lymph nodes and, 1660–1663

Hitchhiker thumb

in diastrophic dwarism, 1382, 1406

diastrophic dysplasia and, 1398, 1398f

HIV. See Human immunodeiciency virus

HIV cholangiopathy, 181–182, 181f

HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN), 332–333,


HNF1β. See Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β–related


Hodgkin lymphoma, pediatric, neck, 1665, 1665f

Hodgkin’s disease, splenic lesions in, 152–153, 154f

Holoprosencephaly (HPE)

agnathia and, 1154, 1159f

alobar, 1187, 1188f

ball type of, 1187–1189

classiication of, 1187b

cup type of, 1187–1189, 1188f

hydranencephaly diferentiated from, 1208

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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