Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-21

Echinococcal disease (Continued)

peritoneal, 517

splenic, 147, 150f

Echinococcosis, in pediatric liver, 1748

Echinococcus granulosus, 613

hepatic infestation by, 88–89

Echinococcus multilocularis, parasitic infestation by,


Echocardiography, fetal

ive-chamber view in, 1275, 1279f

four-chamber view in

apical, 1274–1275, 1277f

subcostal, 1274–1275, 1277f

indications for, 1270–1273, 1273b

M-mode, 1275, 1280f–1281f

three-vessel and trachea view in, 1275, 1279f

timing of, 1274

Echoendoscope, 428–429

Echoes, 3–4. See also Nonlinear echoes

fundamental, 58–59

Echogenic bowel


aneuploidy and, 1315–1316, 1315f

bowel obstruction and, 1316

CF and, 1316

conditions associated with, 1315b

fetal growth restriction and fetal demise with,


infection and, 1316

intraamniotic bleeding and, 1316

meconium peritonitis and, 1313

in trisomy 21, 1100f, 1101

Echogenic capsule, thin, in breast sonography, 797

Echogenic intimal lap, in carotid artery dissection,

946, 948f

Echogenic lines, nearly parallel, in normal carotid

wall, 918–919, 919f

Echogenic metastases, of liver, 125, 128f

Echogenic rim, in breast sonography, with

hyperechoic spicules, 787–788, 789f

Echogenicity, in liver mass detection, 106–107

Echo-ranging, 3

Echovist, 55–56

ECMO. See Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

ECST. See European Carotid Surgery Trial

Ectasia, aortic, 440

Ectoderm layer, of trilaminar embryonic disc,

1216–1217, 1217f

Ectodermal-neuroectodermal tract, focal, 1674

Ectopia cordis, fetal

abdominal wall and, 1329, 1329f

pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

structural cardiac anomalies and, 1295, 1296f,


Ectopic pregnancy, 1069–1076

abdominal, 1074, 1075f

cervical, 1073–1074, 1074f

clinical presentation of, 1069–1070

heterotopic gestation and, 1070–1071, 1072f

implantation sites of, 1072–1073

abdominal, 1074, 1075f

cervical, 1073–1074, 1074f

cesarean scar, 1073, 1075f

interstitial, 1073, 1074f

infertility and, 1070

interstitial, 1073, 1074f

management of, 1075–1076

conservative, 1076

failure of, 1076, 1076f

laparoscopy for, 1076

medical, 1076

nonspeciic sonographic indings in, 1072–1073

adnexal mass and, 1072, 1073f

ectopic tubal ring as, 1072, 1073f

Ectopic pregnancy (Continued)

endometrium and, 1072–1073

free pelvic luid and, 1072, 1073f

pediatric, 1884–1885, 1885f

prevalence of, 1070

risk of, 1070b

ruptures, hemoperitoneum in, 508f

serum β-hCG levels and, 1071

sonographic diagnosis of, 1070–1071,


speciic sonographic indings in, 1071–1072,


of unknown location, 1075

Ectopic thyroid tissue, 694

Ectrodactyly, fetal, 1406–1407, 1406f

EDD. See Expected date of delivery


breast sonography and, 795


neonatal/infant, 1550–1556, 1554f–1555f,


pediatric, TCD sonography in, 1614, 1617f

gut, 295, 297f

of ovaries, massive, 578

pediatric, 1878–1879, 1879f

scrotal, idiopathic, 846

pediatric, 1898–1899, 1898f

subcutaneous, fetal, in hydrops, 1417,


Edematous cord, 1484f

Edwards syndrome. See Trisomy 18

EF. See Endocardial ibroelastosis

EFSUMB. See European Federation of Societies of

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Eggshell calciication, breast cysts and, 779,


EHE. See Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

Ejaculatory ducts, 382f–383f, 384

cysts of, 392

obstruction of, 393–394

transurethral resection of, 393


basic points in, 15–16, 16b

for breast assessment, 772–773, 773f

gut wall and, 261

for musculoskeletal system, 857

for prostate cancer, 407

shear wave, 16, 17f–18f, 772

cirrhosis of liver and, 95–96

for pediatric liver, 1764, 1765f

strain, 16, 17f, 772

for thyroid gland assessment, 692, 714–715,


transient, 1764


injection of, 901

pediatric, dislocations of, 1933–1934

ulnar nerve dislocation at, 865–866, 866f

Electronic beam steering, 10–11

“Elephant trunk” sign, fetal cloacal exstrophy and,


Elevation planes, 12f

Elevation resolution, 19, 19f

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, 1396, 1397f,


polydactyly in, 1382

Emboli showers, 1621–1622


carotid artery, TIAs from, 919

pulmonary, DVT causing

lower extremity, 979, 981f

upper extremity, 994

Embolization, uterine artery, for uterine ibroids,


Embolus, renal artery stenosis and, 447

Embryo. See also Aneuploidy, screening for,

irst-trimester; Chromosomal


abnormal, 1077

anencephaly in, 1077

cardiac activity of, normal sonographic

appearance of, 1058–1059, 1060f

with CRL less than 7mm and no heartbeat, 1064

deinition of, 1445

early pregnancy failure and gestational sac with

no, 1063–1065, 1065f

evaluation of, 1076–1077

heartbeat of, in gestational age determination,

1445, 1445f, 1446t

intracranial cystic structures in, 1077, 1077f

normal development of, mimicking pathology,

1077, 1077f

normal sonographic appearance of, 1057,


physiologic anterior abdominal wall herniation

in, 1077, 1077f, 1322, 1323f

omphalocele confused with, 1325, 1327f

sonographic appearance of, normal, 1018f

transfer, 1070

in yolk sac, 1058f

Embryonal carcinoma, 823, 825f

ovarian, 1880

pediatric, testicular, 1899

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pediatric,

paratesticular, 1903–1904, 1903f

Embryonal sarcoma, undiferentiated, in pediatric

liver, 1746, 1748f

Embryonic bradycardia, 1068–1069, 1068f

Embryonic disc, trilaminar, in spinal development,

1216–1217, 1217f

Embryonic period, 1053–1054

Emphysema, lobar, congenital, 1251, 1253f

Emphysematous cholecystitis, 175, 198f, 200

Emphysematous cystitis, 333, 334f

Emphysematous pyelitis, 326–327, 327f

Emphysematous pyelonephritis, 325–326, 326f

Empty stomach artifact, 1838, 1839f

Empyemas, pediatric, 1702–1711

abscess diferentiated from, 1725, 1726f

drainage of, 1954, 1958f

lung abscess compared to, 1711, 1713f

parapneumonic collections and, 1710–1711

from pneumonia, 1707f

sonographic appearance of, 1707f


CMV, neonatal, 1559f

pediatric, neurogenic bladder in, 1907


corpus callosum agenesis and, 1526–1528


amniotic band syndrome and, 1330

anencephaly diferentiated from, 1179

fetal brain and, 1179–1182, 1181f, 1182t

pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

sloped forehead in, 1139–1140

Encephaloclastic schizencephaly, 1196

Encephalomalacia, cystic, 1538, 1539f

End diastolic ratio, in internal carotid artery

stenosis evaluation, 937

End diastolic velocity

in assessing degree of carotid stenosis, 929

in mesenteric duplex Doppler sonography

interpretation, 454

Endarterectomy, carotid

for carotid stenosis, 916

pediatric, TCD sonography in, 1621

sonographic features following, 942, 944f

Endocardial cushion defects, 1284

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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