Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1840 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 53.11 Gastric Diaphragm. (A) Note the thin membrane (arrows) crossing the luid-illed gastric antrum. (B) The same diaphragm seen

during a contrast upper gastrointestinal series (arrows).

seen with other conditions, such as eosinophilic gastritis,

inlammatory pseudotumor, 31 chronic granulomatous disease,

Ménétrier disease, 32 milk allergy, and prostaglandin-induced

antral foveolar hyperplasia. 33,34 he last condition is self-limiting

and can be seen in asymptomatic infants. 35

FIG. 53.12 Gastritis. Marked thickening of the gastric mucosa

(arrows) is visible in this immunosuppressed transplant patient.

of deinition of the individual layers of the gastric wall (Fig.

53.12). he ulcer crater itself usually is not visualized sonographically.

Ultrasound can also be used to follow therapy, showing a

return of the normal gastric wall layers as the ulcer heals. hickening

of the gastric mucosa is not a speciic inding and can be


Lactobezoars are the most common form of bezoar in children,

occurring predominantly in infants who are fed improperly

reconstituted powdered formula. In older children, trichobezoars,

caused by the ingestion of hair, are more common. Both types

of bezoar can be easily identiied with ultrasound, especially if

the patient is given clear luid to help outline the mass. Lactobezoars

appear as a solid, heterogeneous, echogenic intraluminal

mass 36 (Fig. 53.13). With trichobezoars, air tends to be trapped

in and around the hair ibers, which causes a characteristic arc

of echogenicity that obscures the mass but conforms to the shape

of the distended stomach. Distending the stomach with water

and scanning in decubitus and upright positions allows the bezoar

to be separated from the gastric wall, clinching the diagnosis 37

(Fig. 53.14). Trichobezoars can rarely lead to small bowel obstruction

in cases where the bezoar extends beyond the stomach,

called Rapunzel syndrome when extending through a large

portion of the small intestine. 38

In the case of small bowel obstruction, a bezoar proximal to

the obstruction has a twinkling artifact, a characteristic arclike

shadow with strong posterior acoustic shadowing, whereas fecal

material has neither the posterior shadowing nor the twinkling

artifact. Bezoars can be diicult to diferentiate from fecal material

proximal to a small bowel obstruction by computed tomography

(CT). 39

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