Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-40 Index

Molar pregnancy. See Hydatidiform molar


Molar tooth, Joubert syndrome and, 1182

Mole, Breus, 1471

Mondor disease, 768

Monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twins, 1019f,

1058f, 1115–1116, 1116f

CHD and, 1270–1273

complications of, 1125–1129

TAPS and, 1126–1127

TRAP and, 1127–1129, 1127f–1128f

TTTS and, 1125–1126, 1125t, 1126f

growth discrepancy in, 1123f

IUFD and, 1124f

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and, 1119,


Monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twins,

1057, 1115–1116, 1116f

complications of, 1125–1129, 1129f

TAPS and, 1126–1127

TRAP and, 1127–1129, 1127f–1128f

TTTS and, 1125–1126, 1125t, 1126f

conjoined twins as, 1130f

IUFD and, 1124f

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and, 1119,



of parotid gland, pediatric, 1632f

splenic enlargement and, pediatric, 1769

Monorchidism, 1890

Monosomy X. See Turner syndrome

Monozygotic (identical) twins, 1115, 1116f

Morgagni hernia, 1258, 1718f

Morton neuromas, injection for, 904, 904f

Morula, 1051, 1051f

Motor function, impaired, in spina biida, 1233

Moyamoya angiopathy, SCD and, 1598, 1600f,

1602f, 1608f, 1610

mpMRI. See Multiparametric magnetic resonance


MRA. See Magnetic resonance angiography

MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging

MSD. See Mean sac diameter

Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, ovarian, 580f, 581

Mucinous cystadenoma, ovarian, 580f–581f, 581

Mucinous cystic neoplasm, 247–248, 247f

Mucocele, of appendix, 299, 299f

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, salivary gland,

pediatric, 1638

Müllerian ducts

cysts of, pediatric, 1908, 1910f

duplication of, 1881

uterus and anomalies of, 529, 533–538, 537f

categories of, 534, 536f

Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK), 361, 362f

fetal, 1346–1347, 1346f–1347f

pediatric, 1815, 1816f

Multicystic mesotheliomas, 508–509

Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT),

238, 241, 241b

Multifetal pregnancy

amniocentesis in, 1125–1126

amnionicity in, 1115–1116, 1116f

determining, 1057, 1058f

sonographic determination of, 1117, 1119t

triplets and, 1122f

aneuploidy screening in, 1091

birth weight discordance in, 1123

cervical assessment in, 1504–1505

chorionicity in, 1115–1116, 1116f

sonographic determination of, 1117–1119,

1118f, 1119t, 1120f–1121f

triplets and, 1122f

congenital malformation in, 1123

irst-trimester scans in, 1017, 1019f

general issues with, 1119–1123

Multifetal pregnancy (Continued)

growth discordance in, 1123, 1123f

hydrops in, 1429, 1429f

identiication of, routine ultrasound screening

in, 1029

incidence of, 1115

maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein elevation in,


morbidity and mortality in

IUFD and, 1123–1125, 1124f

IUGR and, 1119–1123

prematurity and, 1119–1123

placental cord insertion and, 1119, 1122f

placentation and, 1115–1116, 1116f

zygosity in, 1115–1116, 1116f

Multilocular cystic nephroma (MLCN), 361–362,


pediatric, 1820, 1822f

Multinodular goiter, 711, 711f

parathyroid adenomas detection and, 746

sonographic appearance of, 727

Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging

(mpMRI), 381–382

prostate cancer, TRUS fusion with, 406–407,


Multipath artifact, 19–21, 21f

Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN), 421

pheochromocytomas with, 1826,


type I, 734

type II, 701

type IIA, 734

Multiple gland disease, parathyroid adenomas in,

735, 738f


EF from, 1294

orchitis, 1896

parotitis from, pediatric, 1632

Mural nodules, PAM causing, 782, 783f–784f

Murphy sign, 198–199, 199f, 201f

Muscle-eye-brain disease, cobblestone

lissencephaly in, 1195


anatomy of, 857–858, 858f

atrophy, 859, 860f

rotator cuf, 888–889, 891f

ultrasound for, 877–878

injuries to, 858–859, 858f–859f

medial gastrocnemius, tear of, 858, 859f

myofascial defects and, 858–859, 859f

ultrasound techniques for, 857–859

Muscular dystrophy, congenital, cobblestone

lissencephaly in, 1195

Muscular VSDs, 1281, 1284f

Musculoskeletal injection(s)

anesthetics for, 901

of Baker cyst, 907–909, 908f

bursal, 907–909, 908f

for calciic tendinitis, 909, 911f

corticosteroids for, 900

of deep tendons, 904–907

abductor, 905–907, 907f

biceps, 904–905, 905f–906f

hamstring, 905–907, 907f–908f

iliopsoas, 905, 906f

of ganglion cyst, 907–909, 909f

intratendinous, 909–910, 912f

of joints, 901–902, 901f–902f

materials for, 900–901

pain as indication for, 898

of paralabral cysts, 907–909, 910f–911f

perineural, 910–912, 913f

supericial peritendinous and periarticular,


for foot and ankle, 902–904, 903f–904f

for hand and wrist, 904, 905f

Musculoskeletal injection(s) (Continued)

technique for, 899–900

long-axis approach in, 900–901, 900f–901f

short-axis approach in, 900–901, 900f

Musculoskeletal system. See also Bone(s);

Ligament(s); Muscle(s); Tendon(s)

fetal, development of, movements and, 1378

interventions for

contrast agents in, 898

technical considerations for, 898–899, 899f


congenital deformities of, 1933

congenital nonhip dislocations of, 1933–1936

inlammation of, 1936–1938, 1937f–1938f

inlammation of, noninfectious, 1938

interventional sonography for, 1961,


trauma to, 1938–1939, 1939f

ultrasound techniques for

Doppler imaging in, 857, 857f

elastography in, 857

extended ield of view in, 857

general considerations in, 856–857

MRI compared to, 856

Mycobacterial infections, pediatric, lymphadenitis

diferentiated from, 1660–1663

Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, 91

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 329–330, 1852–1853


development of, 1167

in organogenesis, 1524–1525

Myelocele, open spinal dysraphism and, pediatric,

1681, 1683f


fetal, 1233–1234, 1234f–1235f

pediatric, 1683–1684, 1686f

Myelodysplasia, 1382

Myelolipomas, adrenal, 420–421, 420b, 420f

Myeloma, testicular, 827–829

Myelomeningocele(s), 1218

deinition of, 1225t

fetal surgery for, 1233

no Chiari II malformation and search for, 1526,


open compared to closed, 1226

open spinal dysraphism and, pediatric, 1681,


pathogenesis of, 1226

pediatric, neurogenic bladder in, 1907

spine embryology and, 1674

Myeloschisis, 1218, 1226

deinition of, 1225t

sonographic indings in, 1218

Myocardium, fetal, hydrops from decreased

function of, 1425

Myofascial defects, 858–859, 859f

Myoibroblastic tumor, inlammatory, pediatric,


Myoibromatosis, congenital infantile, 1664, 1665f


abnormalities of, 538–541

adenomyosis as, 540–541, 540b, 542f

leiomyoma as, 538–540, 539f, 540b

leiomyosarcomas as, 540, 541f

calciications of, 531–533, 533f–534f

layers of, 531

veins of, 531–532, 533f

Myopathy, congenital, atypical hips and, 1932

Myositis, complicated lymphadenitis with, 1662f


Nabothian cysts, 533, 535f, 1499

Nanodroplets, therapeutic use of, 68

Nasal bone, fetal

absent, 1133–1134, 1150f

in aneuploidy screening, 1093–1095, 1094b, 1094f

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