Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-10 Index

Breast(s) (Continued)

thick echogenic rim, with hyperechoic

spicules in, 787–788, 789f

TDLUs of, 760–761

sonographic appearance of, 762, 766f

3-D ultrasound for, 773

ultrasound examination of, 774–797

applications of, 760

automated whole-breast, 760

BI-RADS reporting categories for, 774, 774t

diagnosis in, 760

Doppler ultrasound for, 768–772, 770f–773f

equipment for, 767, 767f

for guided intervention, 811–815, 813f–814f

for implant evaluation, 804–807, 804f–806f

for infection, 803–804, 803f–804f

for interventional procedures, 760

for lymph node assessment, 807–810,


niche applications for, 803–811

normal tissue and variations in, 774

for sonographic-MRI correlation, 810–811,


suspicious indings in, 787–795, 787t

technique for, 768–774

three dimensional, 788, 789f–790f

water density tissue of, 761–762, 763f

zones of, 761, 761f

Breathing, sleep-disordered, 1611

Brenner tumor, 581–582, 582f

Breus mole, 1471

Broad ligaments, 564–565

Broad-bandwidth, 7–8

Bronchogenic cysts

fetal, 1255–1256, 1255f, 1255t

pediatric, 1650, 1716, 1718f

Bronchopulmonary foregut malformations,

pediatric, 1716, 1718f

Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS), 1246,

1248t, 1250–1251, 1251f

extralobar, 1250

fetal, hydrops from, 1426

intralobar, 1250

Bruit, from carotid stenosis, color Doppler, 933,


Brunn epithelial nests, in chronic cystitis, 333,


Bubbles. See also Microbubbles

acoustic cavitation generation of, 41–42, 42f

behavior of, incident pressure and, 56–58, 57t

Budd-Chiari syndrome, 98–103, 100f–103f

in children, suprahepatic portal hypertension

and, 1762–1763, 1763f

IVC and, 463

“Buddha position,” fetal, 1401

Bulk modulus, 15–16

“Bunny” waveform, 953b, 954, 954f

Burkitt lymphoma, pediatric, 1860

“Burned-out” tumors. See Germ cell tumors,

testicular, regressed

Bursal-sided partial-thickness rotator cuf tears,

888, 890f

Bursitis, bursal injections for, 907–909, 908f

Burst length, in output control, 48–50

Butterly vertebrae, in scoliosis and kyphosis, 1235

Bypass grat(s)

coronary, radial artery evaluation for, 977–978,


of lower extremity peripheral arteries, 974–975,


PSV and dysfunction of, 974–975

of supericial femoral artery, 975f


CA. See Celiac artery

CA 125, in ovarian cancer, 578

Cadaveric kidneys, paired, in transplantation,

643–644, 648f

CAH. See Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

“Cake” kidneys, pediatric, 1785

CAKUT. See Congenital anomalies of kidney and

urinary tract

Calcaneus, ossiication of, 1377–1378

Calcar avis, neonatal/infant, development of, 1523f,


Calcarine issure, neonatal/infant, development of,

1520–1521, 1524

Calciic bursitis, 891

Calciic tendinitis

injections for, 909, 911f

of supraspinatus tendon, 891–892, 892f

Calciication(s). See also Nephrocalcinosis

abdominal, meconium peritonitis and, 1313,


of adrenal glands, 423, 425f

causes of, 424b

in breast sonography, 793–794, 795f

chronic DVT indicated by, 984, 987f

in chronic pancreatitis masses, 233–236, 236f

cystic meconium peritonitis with, 1842–1843,


DCIS and, 793, 795f

dystrophic, 339

pediatric urinary tract and, 1799

eggshell, breast cysts and, 779, 780f

of endometrium, 533, 534f

of gallbladder, 202, 202f

intracranial, fetal, 1195f, 1203, 1204f

liver, fetal, 1316–1318, 1317f, 1318b

of meconium periorchitis, focal, 1904, 1904f

of myometrium, 531–533, 533f–534f

ovarian, focal, 566–568

of prostate, 387, 388f

psammomatous, in peritoneal nodule, 510–511,


of radial arteries, evaluation for, 998, 998f

renal artery, 336

of renal cysts, 358, 358f

of renal parenchyma, 339–340, 340f

scrotal, 833–834, 833b, 834f

of seminal vesicles, 392

splenic, 150, 153f

pediatric, 1769

of supericial femoral artery, 968, 970f

of tendons, 859–861

of thyroid cysts, 695

in thyroid nodules

diagnostic signiicance of, 713–714

in papillary carcinoma, 699, 702f

of urinary tract, pediatric, 1798–1801

cortical nephrocalcinosis and, 1798, 1798b,


dystrophic, 1799

medullary nephrocalcinosis and, 1798–1799,


renal vein thrombosis and, 1799, 1800f

urinary stasis and, 1799, 1800f

urolithiasis and, 1799–1801, 1799f

in uterine ibroids, 539f, 540, 540b

of vas deferens, 392

yolk sac, 1067, 1068f

Calciied metastases, of liver, 125, 128f

Calcimimetics, for secondary hyperparathyroidism,


Calcitonin, secretion of, in medullary carcinoma of

thyroid, 701

Calcium bile, milk of, 194, 195f

Calcium hydroxyapatite, in calciic tendinitis, 909


bladder, 338–339, 339f

pediatric, 1908

caliceal, 334–335

Calculus(i) (Continued)

liver transplantation complications with, 629,


renal, 334–336, 336f–337f

entities that mimic, 336, 337b, 337f

scrotal, extratesticular, 836–837, 837f


tyrosinemia and, 1799, 1800f

in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, 328,


ureteral, 337–338, 338f–339f

bladder augmentation and, 1912–1913

complicating renal transplantation, 659–660,


urethral, pediatric, bladder outlet obstruction

from, 1906, 1906f

Calf veins, ultrasound imaging of, 982

Caliceal calculi, 334–335

Callosomarginal sulcus, neonatal/infant,

development of, 1520–1521

Calvarium, fetal, compressibility of

in osteogenesis imperfecta type II, 1382, 1392,


in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

Calyceal diverticula, renal milk of calcium and,

1799, 1800f

Calyces, dilation of, in hydronephrosis, 1354

Campomelic dysplasia, 1395, 1396f

bowing of long bones in, 1381–1382

pulmonary hypoplasia and, 1384f

ribs and, 1382–1384

sonographic appearance of, 1380f

thanatophoric dysplasia diferentiated from,


Camptodactyly, fetal, 1404–1405, 1406f

Campylobacter, 1852

Canal of Nuck

cyst or hydrocele of, simulating groin hernia,

499–500, 501f

delayed closure of, indirect inguinal hernia

from, 476–477, 477f

Canalization, in spine embryology, 1672, 1673f

Candida albicans

genitourinary tract infections from, 330–331,


neonatal urinary tract infection from, 1794,



hepatic, 86–87, 88f

hepatosplenic, splenic abscesses in, 150–152,


neonatal, 1794, 1795f

Capillary malformations, tethered cord and, 1679

Capsular arteries, 821

Caput medusae, 1752

Carcinoid tumor, renal, 355–356

Carcinoma(s). See also Breast(s), solid nodules of;

Ductal carcinoma in Situ; Hepatocellular

carcinoma; Papillary carcinoma; Renal

cell carcinoma; Transitional cell


acinic cell, parotid gland, pediatric, 1638, 1639f

acoustic shadowing caused by, 791–792, 793f

adenoid cystic, salivary gland, pediatric, 1638

adrenal, pediatric, 1827, 1827f

adrenocortical, 424–425, 426f

of bladder

squamous cell, 348

transitional cell, 347–348, 350f

cervical, 542, 543f

hematometra in, 547f, 549

choriocarcinoma, testicular, 824, 825f

circumscribed, 786

clear cell, 581, 582f

colon, 261–264, 263f–264f

pediatric, 1880

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